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"Is it true?" She cries

I look back at Treyton who's watching us with sympathy, I then look back at my sister before sighing and nodding

"Daddy killed your baby", Zuri sobs into my chest

I hold her tightly, "Z it's ok"

Cole frowns as he comes up the stairs with Miles, "What's going on?"

Treyton looks at me and I nod as if to say it's ok, you can tell him. He sighs as he guides his brothers back down the stairs and I return my focus back to Zuri, "How much did you hear Zuri"

"Everything", She whispers

Oh boy

"I knew you and daddy had a bad relationship since mom left but I didn't think-.... I-

"I know, believe me I know"

"Why didn't you ever tell me?"

"I don't know... I can see how much you love dad and I didn't want to change that"

Zuri scoffs,'"Are you joking? Dakota I would always pick you whether he was hurting you or not"

That made me feel really happy

"Wait a minute that day....-

I nod, "That was dad too"

"Oh my God" She whispers

"We have to call the cops"

"But what about you?"

"Dakota you need to listen to Treyton. I love that you care about me but in this case you need to do what's right for you too, getting Marty locked up won't make you selfish"

I sigh, "Yeah ok"

Although we've spoken about the situation and how it should be dealt with I can see that something else is still bothering my sister, "Hey what's wrong" I ask softly

"I just-... you were pregnant. And I never knew"

"I'm sorry. I really wanted to tell you and I was going to but-

"No I know, D that's not what I'm upset about. Dad killed the baby and has been hurting you for three years. If only I had just payed attention-

"Hey, we're not about to play the blame game. He made sure you were never around and I got pretty good at hiding the evidence, it's not your fault Z"

She lies on me and I hug her tightly

"I'm scared" My sister whispers 

"Me too"

Zuri and I joined the others downstairs after our little talk and as soon as we got down there I received a hug from Cole, he told me I was very strong and that he's sorry I had to go through all of that misery. I almost cried.

Miles is still a little confused as to why everyone is sad so I asked him about the cake they baked as a distraction, it was red velvet. We all sat at the island as Cole started to cut their funny looking masterpiece, the icing was a little messy and the top of the cake said Miles is the best in very sloppy handwriting.

All of this emotional stuff has bought out more emotion in me and suddenly I don't want to leave Treytons side at all, he makes me feel so safe and now I can't stop kissing him.

"You know amongst all of this I'm still waiting for you to ask me those five words"

"You're mine already", He murmurs against my lips

"Ask me anyway"

Treyton rolls his eyes as he pulls away, "Fine. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I gape, "You just rolled your eyes at me"

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