|14| Zuri MIA

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I shut the front door of my parents house behind me before walking further into the house. I'm so glad that things are getting better with Dakota, she's like a pretty rough shell that I finally managed to crack. It's pretty hard to forget my first time seeing her, I mean I had always gone to Jackie's bistro but never on a weekend, and then one Saturday Asher dragged me there... I'm glad that he did. I remember her clearly, her waist apron tied so tightly around her waist outlining her beautiful figure. Her hair was slicked back into a bun (which I'm starting to guess may be her favourite hairstyle), she had that little cut on her lip but still looked pretty and her lashes looked bold because of her mascara.

And don't get me started on her attitude, I could name all the ways in which she's a turn on but then we'd be here all day.

My mother looks back from unpacking a few groceries, "Oh wow look who came to visit"

"I was here yesterday"

She smiles playfully before hugging me, "I know"

"Where's dad?"

"Working, Miles went with him. But how are you sweetie, have you eaten?"

"Nah I'm good"

She taps me "Sit, you're eating with us tonight"


"I'm sorry do you have somewhere else to be?"

I sigh before eventually sitting at the island and she rolls up her sleeves as she heads over to the sink to wash her hands, "So tell me what's going on in your life"

"Becoming a lawyer is a lot of work" I admit

My mom smiles, "If life was easy then it would be no fun. You've got what just the bar to take now?"


"Ughh, Miss Henderson can kiss my ass"


I look back as the twins walk into the house

Ivy's in her cheer clothes and Cole's dressed normally. "Shes been like this the whole walk home" Cole tells mom

I frown, "Why are you in your cheer clothes on a Sunday-

"We were having extra cheer practice and everything was going fine until Miss Henderson walked in and claimed that we had no permission to be there when the principal already told us we could, then she fricking kicked us out and there's a game in two days! Lacy still needs time to master her aerial"

"V, calm down" Mom says amused

"It's not funny Mom"

"It is, just a little" Cole replies

Ivy would usually force Cole to wait for her at cheer practise on a weekday, however it's a Sunday so I know that he was definitely not there. "Where were you?" I ask him

"Dewayne's house"

I give him a look which he gives back, and we sort of fight with our eyes. I give him a look that says 'you can't keep doing this' and he replies with 'mind your damn business'. I know he was at ice hockey, but mom doesn't know that and neither does Ivy, we shouldn't have to lie about it. "Cole-

"Mom what's for dinner" He cuts me off


My brother then walks away and I sigh, "How's Dakota" My sister asks me

"She's fine" I reply, still with my eyes on our brother

She looks up from her phone, "Well when can I meet her cause you're taking your sweet time"

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