|04| Khalil

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You know i'm surprised that after all these years I haven't dropped out of school once, I hear that in English schools you have to stay in education until eighteen... that's gotta suck. Anyway after school I didn't even have time to hang around, I was getting so many new assignments being dumped onto me by so many of my teachers plus I have a lot of missing ones that I haven't even glanced at yet. The whole of that week I was on study mode, dad went out of town with uncle Tyler so that gave me one less thing to worry about.

I was pretty much on a schedule, study and have chill nights with Zuri. Before I knew it it was Friday, "Girl it feels like we haven't seen you in years" Tamika snorts

"I was here last week" I point out

"You know what I mean-... when do you start?"

"Six, i'm just gonna go watch Zuri skate for a bit. Tell Jackie i'm leaving my stuff here"

She scribbles something down onto a notepad, "Will do"

I zip up my jacket as I head for the door, honestly I was left in a bit of shock as I opened it because I completely forgot about this guy. Mr hazel eyes aka Mr benz boy is standing right here, i'm not sure I like the idea of bumping into him every time I go to work.

He looked surprised at first, "You work on Fridays?"

I cross my arms, "You're stalking me now"

"Oh trust me if I was then you'd know"

I narrow my eyes, "Are all white people as crazy as you?"

"Are all black people as pretty as you?"

I'll be honest I wasn't ready for that one, I was surprised. But I also never let a man cause me to become speechless so come on Dakota, say something.

And then all I could produce was, "I have to go" I frown as I walk passed him

"What nobody's ever taken the last word from you?" He says from behind me

I keep walking away, "You annoy me"

I couldn't help but continue to think about my encounter with this guy throughout my bus ride, the pretty comment really threw me off. Ok don't get me wrong I know i'm that bitch, but it feels like he used reverse psychology to silence me and I don't like that at all.

He erks me and I don't even know him

"Shit" I get up from my seat before going down the steps quickly and out the doors of the bus

almost missed my stop

I don't remember the last time I came down here to watch Zuri skate, but I remember shes been doing it since she was seven. In fact mom was the one who introduced it to us both, I did it from ten to fourteen but eventually stopped after mom left. I don't think Zuri ever will though and that's a good thing, it was love at first sight for her. Now sadly that woman can't see how great her daughter is and how far shes come, her loss not mine.

The vibration from my phone distracts me from my thoughts

K: Hey

I frown at the message for a good minute, this better not be who I think this is

Me: Khalil?

I turn off my phone before pushing open the door to the ice centre, my body shivers a little as I enter the chill environment. There's quite a few people here, not parents but young people, I forgot how large this place was. I instantly spot my sister on the ice rink with Hope and a few others, Hayley (their instructor) is standing by the exit. I rub my arms as I walk closer to the rink, they're about to go off in pairs and start skating.

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