|42| Reminisce

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"You have a cute body, you should totally model for me"

"I have no boobs", Ivy complains

"So? You're still cute V, and besides you have an ass"

I then show her different fabrics, "Ok do you want silk pink?"

"Yes please"

"What shade"

"Champagne", She selects

"Ok perfect"


I turn around smiling, "Hi Miles"

"No way.When'd you get here?"

"Two nights ago, you weren't here" I murmur as we hug

"Are you only here for the wedding?"


"Will you-

"Ok go away now, I'm having a fitting" Ivy interrupts

"Shut up"

"Wait what was you gonna ask?", I ask

"Are you and Rey friends again?"

"Yeahhh no"


"Shoo", Ivy ushers him away and he shrugs her off before going back upstairs

We went over a few more details about her dress, she wants it to be knee length. I should have it ready by next week honestly, "I'm gonna order food. Want anything?"

"Thought you'd never ask. I've been starving all day"

"Same-.... one sec let me get daddy's card" She walks away and I re open my Ipad which has basically all my sketches

I was too caught up with looking at designs to notice the door open and close, "Is Cole here?"


"I'd tell you but then where's the fun in that?"

"It's a simple yes or no"

I ignore him

"Dakota you can't just turn up at my workplace like that", Treyton then says

"How's Aleena?"

"I'm serious"

I snort, "So am I"

"Is Cole here or not", He says annoyed

"Cole there's a tanned dumbass here to see you!", I call out

Ivy walks out of Grayson's office with his bank card, "By the way dad's on a business call and he says you two are loud" 

"She's the one shouting", Treyton mutters

"Can you not just stand there in silence?-

"If you can't stand me then leave-

"Or you leave how about that-

"This is my parents house-

"Aw how sad for you, we're not together anymore yet your parents still like me. Tell me, do they know about Aleena?"

"Oh my God you're so aggravating-

"Who's Aleena?", Ivy asks

"Oh shit she doesn't know?-

"Dakota. Stop-

"Or what?-

"This is becoming unbearable", Asher mutters as he comes downstairs with Cole

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