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"Happy late birthday"

I plaster on a fake smile, "Thanks"

It's not like I hate or have anything against him, it's quite the opposite actually. We-... or should I say I ended our relationship for my own reasons, he tried getting me back for a few months but after some time he got the message.

Can you imagine what it would've been like if we went to the same school

"So how did you guys get here" Khalil asks

I shrug, "Walked"

He raises his eyebrows with surprise, "All the way?"



"Jaz doesn't live that far-

"Dakota" My best friend repeats

I look back at her, "You ok?"

It seems like quite the opposite actually, she's gone a little pale and sweaty. "Jaz you ok?" Khalil frowns

She holds onto my arm, "I-

The nosy bartender slides a bin over knowingly and my best friend hurls her guts into it, Khalil and I -plus a few others- look away with scrunched faces. "Her moms totally gonna kill me" I mutter

"I think I drank too much" Jasmine groans painfully


I help her up, "We need to get you home"

"But my mom-

"You should've thought about that before snorting coke with the wannabe mafia over there-

"Hey they're not in the mafia"

"Don't care" I put her arm around my neck

"Need any help?" Khalil offers

I shove past a few people, "We're good-

"I'm not walking, my feet hurt. Let him drop us D" Jasmine pleads

I would prefer not to sit through a five minute drive with my ex, "I'm going that way anyway" He adds

They both look at me expectantly and I sigh, "Whatever"

Khalil gives us his keys so that we can wait in his car, hes gone to say goodbye to a few people.

The two of us both get into the backseat, thankfully Jaz is a calm drunk so she's easy to deal with. I close my eyes as I sit back. "Sorry"

"For what?"

"Getting high" She murmurs

I frown, "Why are you sorry? It's a club"

"Cause you look annoyed"

I sigh, "Trust me J it's not you. I just wish this boy would hurry the fuck up, I'm tired"

My best friend lies on me, "I thought you would be happy to see him"

"To be honest, so did I"

We both watch as he walks out of the club, not gonna lie I looked for a little too long. Khalil's style is one of the reasons that I fell for him in the first place, when a guy wears jeans you'd find it weird purely because it makes him look like a cake boy but this guy really knows how to get you simping.

This is just the alcohol talking, I forgot what my point even was. "I notice a little drool-

"Shut up", I slap Jasmines hand away and she snickers

Khalil finally gets into the car before looking back, "Which house?"

I gesture to Jasmine and he nods before starting the car

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