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I put on my husbands robe before tying it and starting with my skincare, today I woke up in a good mood which is surprising because its been a stressful week, I've been working all the time. I checked a couple of my texts whilst brushing my teeth, they consisted of messages from Zuri, Jasmine and Ivy.

Z: Call me wen u can
Ivy: I'll be over with Claudia later
Jasmine: Wait she did what? Hold on let me know after church

Once I replied to those I left the bathroom and headed downstairs where I was hearing cutlery and voices, I think I was the last one to wake up today but then again I usually am. T can sleep at anytime and still wake up early.

"No you gotta pick up a card"

"But I don't wanna-

"Veah it's the rules just do it"


Unsurprisingly so my daughters were playing uno, sat at the kitchen island


"Hi", They all reply

I give their dad a kiss, "Morning" I murmur


He was carrying our two year old who is currently indulging in a plate of waffles happily, "Hi bubs" I say amused

"Hi", Aidan replies before holding my face and giving me a kiss

I smile a little before re filling his sippy cup with apple juice, "Ank u"

"You're welcome"

"Uno", Trinity says with a mouthful of waffles

"The heck? How", Her twin says confused

I eat from Treyton's plate and he slides it over to me, I was hoping he'd do that cause I'm hungry as fuck.

"Here", He then slides over a chocolate frappe from starbucks

"Ugh I love you"

I sip from it, "Why are you shirtless when it's like three degrees in here"

"You know I don't get cold"

"You're making me cold"

"You're always cold", He says amused

I hug his neck from behind, "All better"

I then look towards our daughters

"Alright ya'll let me see your wish lists. You better not be putting stupid shit on there"

"Huh? We don't", Amariah replies

"I saw baby pig last year"

Treyton laughs

"They're cute", Trinity defends

"What is it with you and animals?"

"She always be at the shelter with grandpa", Neveah snorts 

"Our backyard is huge, one small piglet wouldn't cause harm"

Treyton's still laughing, "On God I would've bought that for you"

She sits up with hope

"In your dreams"

"Not funny"

"A pig though Trin, really? Not even a puppy?"

"Well is that an option?"

"I ain't getting one single pet until you all move out of this house", I say


I then gesture with my hands as I eat another forkful of waffles and the girls slide over their phones, I read Amariah's first. "Back dermals-... nope"

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