|35| H.I.M in court

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Marty was sentenced to five years without parole

That look on his face when the judge revealed it to him, he was in so much shock. As soon as he heard it his eyes found mine and he had such a look of disgust, Zuri shot him a look and then all of a sudden he felt ashamed. And then as he was being taken away in handcuffs he finally saw Grace seated at the back of the courtroom, he was in complete shock.

When all had been said and done there were some questions about who would take custody over my sister, Grace got involved which Ashley and aunt V were not happy about. I'm not sure what's going on but they're considering Grace now. After court I just sat outside for a moment, thinking about a lot of things.

"It's finally done", A soft voice says

I squint at the horizon, "Finally"

She sits besides me, "It may be done for everybody else but it's not over for you"

I don't reply

"All that pain you've been carrying around, that you still carry around. It's not over.... Is it?"

"No", I eventually whisper

"I never would have left you guys with him if I knew that he was like this"

I look back at her, "Why did you"

She sighs, "I was just so tired of arguing every single day. And he was such a lazy man, never wanted to come out of the house for nothing unless he knew someone was paying for him to go somewhere"

Grace starts tearing up, "I would never have left you baby. There's not a day that goes by where I don't feel guilty, I still carry it around with me everyday. I saw the pictures and I-....

Her voice trails off

"You were horrified-

"No, no. God no. Your body could never horrify me, it was just.... It pained me to see what Marty did to you"

"It would happen everyday"

She looks at me softly as I then start to tear up

"And throughout it all, the only person I wanted to cry to was my mother. I couldn't go to Zuri, I couldn't even go to Jaz and I couldn't even go to aunt  Rita. I just needed you.... And you weren't even there"

"I know Kota,  and I'm so sorry-

I sniff before wiping my eyes quickly and getting up, "Whatever"

I walk over to Justus who has his arm out, I take it "You ok?"

"Yeah let's just go to the bar"

I hadn't spoken to Grace after that, I was proud of myself for even telling her how angry she made me feel. Eventually I had to stop avoiding my sister, she did apologise and we agreed just not to talk about any of our parents for now because it's such a heavy subject. The rest of the week went about the same, I worked, ate, slept, spoke to Trey everyday, took Cooper on walks, visited family (by family I mean aunt V and Treyton's family). I also checked in on Jasmine because she's obviously been through a breakup, I gotta hand it to aunt Rita though because she literally called it. Jaz has been going to church more, she says it makes her feel better. I'm happy for her.


So Treytons coming home tomorrow, and I'm so excited but also annoyed and worried. Because one, there's a storm coming in and two, he hasn't responded to any of my calls or texts. I don't know what the hell is going on but it's scaring me.

The sound of thunder snaps me back into reality, Harmony stops peeping through the blinds. "It's getting quite bad out there"

We're pretty much closing up but Jackie's not letting us leave until the weather calms down, "Hey can you help wipe the tables?"

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