Gender reveal

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"And then I'm gonna grow really really tall"

"Really? How tall?", I ask as I sit my daughter down to straddle my lap

Amariah stretches her arms up and Treyton tickles her stomach, she giggles. "You're quite tiny mommy so you have to use a ladder to reach me"

I gape, "Hey I'm not tiny"

"Yes you are. Except for your boobies and your butt"

Treyton laughs and I raise an eyebrow at him, "She didn't get that from nowhere"

"I said nothing", He replies innocently

"What about your daddy", I then say to Amariah

"He doesn't skate the bestest like you"

I smile, "I'll take it"

"Hey but I skate fast"

"Yes but mommy turns like a princess and she looks relegant"

"Elegant baby", I correct with amusement

"I'm also gonna be an ice skating princess", Our daughter informs us

"So you won't need us", He replies

"Of course I'll need you daddy, you have to play princesses with me. And mommy you have to cut my nutella sandwiches into triangles"

"Oh wow so daddy gets free time and I have to play servant"

"Nooo, you and my baby sister can have tea with me"

I smile as I hold her chin, "You really want a sister huh"

Mari nods whilst placing her tiny hands on my stomach and I take her hair out of its bun, letting her curls frizz about. As of now I'm four months pregnant, we figured why not give her a sibling since she's turning five this year. I would've liked to make the age gap smaller but we've just been so busy and it never seemed like the right time, then we said fuck it and well here we are. Of course Jasmine convinced me to let her throw us a gender reveal party since we didn't have one for Mari so that's what we're doing tomorrow.



"How did the baby get inside you?"

Oh gosh, I knew kids asked these types of questions but I didn't think Mari would question it at this age.

Trey and I look at each other as we try to
figure something out, "Well uhhh the birds and the bees?"

He nods, "The birds and the bees"

What are we doing...

"Bees?", Mari says confused

Treyton taps her nose "Yeah the bees, they came and pollinated your mommy"

"A big bee", I emphasise

Treyton snorts, "Kota"

"Really?" Our daughter asks


"But what did being pollemenated feel like?"

"I appreciated it, it was amazing sweetie. I wouldn't mind being pollenated all the time, I love the birds and the bees-

"We still talking bout birds and bees?"

I smile a little, "Of course"

He rolls his eyes playfully before shaking his head 

"Can I be pollemenated?", Amariah asks

"God no, no" Treyton puts emphasis on the no and she frowns as she holds her stomach

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