|34| Lovesick

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Day one I was restless, I couldn't sleep without Treyton so I slept with Cooper besides me, day two I was slowly getting the gist of things although I was extremely bored. Still nothing from Jaz, nothing from Zuri either. By day three things were starting to become better, I focused on studying and during that time I had received an email from my English teacher about the poem I submitted. He was really worried and asked me if everything was ok, I assured him that things were fine and are currently being sorted out, he said to email if I needed anything.

Wednesday I went back to work, then aunt V came to check on me during my lunch break, oh and I told Jackie everything. After that I met up with Debbie and Larisa, them two finally met and became fast friends. Then I went to see Miles, Ashley revealed to me that Zuri wasn't currently staying with them and was with Grace. Whatever I don't care. I'm also finally starting to tolerate Grayson, I think I've given him the cold shoulder for long enough and I know he had the right intentions but went about things the wrong way.

But as of now, it's Friday.

"What are you doing?"

I look through the window on the door before looking back at my phone, "What do you think. I'm hiding"

He snorts, "Hiding?"

I lean on the freezer, "Yeah. It's starting to get real busy so imma hide for as long as I can"

Trey's currently driving, his phones leaned up at the front and he's got a toothpick in his mouth. I miss my baby so much.

"You're so lazy"

"We've known this for quite some time now"

He shakes his head as he smiles and I lean my chin against my hand, "Where are you going"

"To meet Jordan, his car just got towed. Stupid mother fucker, I swear" He mutters the last part and I laugh

"How's work", He then asks me

I lean forward, "Oh my God Tamika came back yesterday and Leila was also here. They started arguing over a table, can you imagine?"

"Tamika is all talk, she needs another humbling"

According to Tyrone, Tamika actually lost that fight she had with Leila, she underestimated her a lot especially because she's white. But I'm not even kidding, Leila can fight, I saw the video and I was impressed. I love spilling the tea to Trey because he gets into it and remembers every detail that I give him.

"I love Leila to death, but Tamika's also my girl-

"Your girl got dragged. Her braid was literally on the floor"

"I know, poor her"

I lean closer to the phone, "Did you get my mail?"

Treyton lifts up his wrist, "Haven't taken it off since"

I got us matching bracelets, mine has the letter T and his has the letter D.

He then leans forward, "Shit. I gotta go, baby I'll call you when you get home"

"I love you"

"I love you and that fat ass too"

I roll my eyes playfully before ending the call. As I smile to myself the door swings open and Jackie raises an eyebrow at me, "I needed a break" I defend innocently

"I didn't realise a break meant calling your boyfriend and spilling tea"

"Hey eavesdropping is bad"

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