|37| Nuclear family

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I hear everything

The low murmurs, the whispers, every conversation, the irritation that Treyton would get when everyone would just talk like I'm not in the room. We went to the doctors, just me and him, they prescribed me with some antidepressants and also suggested that I try therapy.

Dakota Moore and therapy. Who would've thought

"Drink up trouble", He slides the glass of water to me along with two different pills and I sigh before drinking before then swallowing them both

"How do you feel today", Trey asks as I lean on my hand

"Like you're the only person who's treating me like I'm normal"

He's the only one that I can tolerate at the moment, he's not sympathetic at every second of the day and is most certainly not acting like I'm crazy. Him and Justus actually.

"That's because you are normal"

"I miss Cooper"

We eventually had to give him back to Treyton's cousin, she came back from that extremely long trip so no we're dogless. She was very lovely though, told me how glad she was that Treyton found someone better than his ex.

He picks up my jacket, "We can see him at anytime. Come on, or we'll be late"

"Is it really necessary?"


Like I said before, therapy

I didn't realise it was such a common thing, this place is busy. But not just on this floor in particular, the building in general. I'm not sure how to feel.

He unfolds my hand softly, "Relax"

"I am relaxed"

"These would say otherwise", Treyton replies whilst stroking the crescents on my palm

I sigh, "How long do I have to do this for"

"It's up to you. But the doctors said you should try it for a month at least"

"Right, and then I can go back to being my depressed self?"

He narrows his eyes and I smile, "Kidding"

"Very funny"

"Dakota Moore?"

There's a Hispanic woman stood by an open door with a file in her hand, she's dressed in a white button up shirt with cream pants and heels to finish off


She smiles, "Hi you can come in now"

"Alright, I'm gonna go to work and then I'll come pick you up after" Treyton says

I nod and he kisses me on the head before walking out, I get up before following the woman into her office.

It's not like the ones I've seen on tv, the room is pretty small and has a colour scheme of navy blue and blush pink. The couch is pink and holds a couple of pillows, opposite the couch there's a blue sofa chair which I'm guessing is where she'll sit. There's a marble painting hung up on the wall and then on the small table there's a lot of snacks and drinks. She's loaded. "I bet it's not like how you've seen on tv" She says amused

"Quite the opposite actually"

The woman smiles to herself before shutting the door and sitting on her chair, "It's nice to meet you Dakota. I'm Carmen"

I look at the table, "Do you always have that much candy"

She laughs as we look at it, "I like my patients to feel comfortable whilst they're here. And what better way to do that than with food"

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