|24| Relationship rekindled

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Here's a double update for you my lovelies 🤗

She gasps as she opens the door, "The lord heard me"

I sniff "Hi Aunt Rita"

She hugs me and I smile as I familiarise myself with her warm embrace, the warmth she'd always bring whenever I had a bad day as a kid. Every time my parents would argue she'd always bring me over and tell me not to worry, I missed her so much and I never realised it until now.

"What's going on?"

I sigh as we pull away, "Nothing I just... I needed to come here"

Rita smiles, "Well I'm happy you're back. Jaz is upstairs"

"Thank you"

Jasmine was in fact upstairs, too deep into her studies to notice me appear at her door. She has her AirPods in and she's sat at her desk scribbling down a few notes onto her notepad, she always liked Geography. Unlike me.

"Hey" I finally say

She does a double take before taking out her air pods suddenly, "What the fuck?! Don't scare me like that"

She then gets up, "You had me worried sick"

I look down, "Yeah I know"

Jasmine frowns, "But you've glowed. Is there something I don't know?"

I laugh before pulling her in for a hug, "No nothing like that"

She hugs me back and I close my eyes, "Nothing like that at all"

We pull away and she places her hands on my shoulders with a look of concern, "Are you ok?"

That question is like a trigger

"I'm not" I finally cry

"Mom. Stop"

"But where's Dakota?"

"I don't know"

She sighs before leaving me alone and then suddenly Ivy comes to sit next to me as if I've not made it clear I'd rather be alone. "Did you guys break up?"

I just look at my glass of whiskey, annoyed at myself for letting things end like that. I always let her walk away because I feel like if I hold on too much she'll want to leave me forever.

"Maybe she thinks that she's a burden to everyone"

"She's not" I finally say

"But it could be how she feels, I mean none of her parents care for her right?"

I frown at my sister and she looks at me guiltily, "Cole told me everything"

"You guys need to start minding your business"

"Look I'm obviously not gonna tell anyone, I pried it out of him. But let's go back to the topic at hand"

"She told me she loved me"

"You said it back right?"

"Would I be sitting here if I did?"

It's the only regret I have, not saying it back in that moment. "Ok well do you?"

I nod as I drink from my glass and she scoffs, "So then call her Rey-

We hear the sound of a door close followed by some footsteps, "Son"

When I turn around I see that my dad is standing there with my mother who looks quite annoyed, as I get up he sighs. "I need to talk to you-

I punch him in the face and my mother widens her eyes as he bends down, holding his nose in pain. She doesn't show approval but she also doesn't shout at me either, "What the fuck is wrong with you" I say annoyed

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