|20| Why is our happiness always interrupted

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It was pretty much the sound of forks and knives scraping plates, if you wanna get technical then Miles was the loudest. He was devouring his lasagna so fast that Ivy had to tell him to calm down before he started choking. Then there was Cole who did not touch his food at all, it was so clear he didn't want to be here and I honestly felt really bad.

The whole situation was just awkward

"So if I'm correct, you've been lying to us all for God knows how long and secretly skating"

Ashley sighs, "Grayson"

Cole just looks at his glass of water

"Answer me"

"Yes sir" He eventually mutters

Treyton wipes away lasagna sauce from his little brothers mouth (he fusses whilst this happens) with a napkin and I refrain from laughing because I've just remembered that I'm supposed to be mad at him.

I'm finding it very hard but still, I'm not giving in

"And what, Bowman just let you?" Grayson scoffs

He doesn't want to answer but his dad is literally looking at him with one of those serious scary looks. Cole eventually sighs, "I forged the papers-

"Oh you forged the papers-... that's just wonderful"

He looks back at his wife, "You hear that? He forged the papers"

"Yes actually. I'm right here"

Ivy rolls her eyes

"You will not be playing ice hockey anymore Cole. I've called the centre and if you even think about turning up for practise then they'll notify me and have Bowman arrested for letting you skate without permission-

Woah Woah Woah wait a minute. This guy is insane

"You what?" Treyton and Ashley scoff

Cole is moments away from crying, "May I be excused"

His dad nods, "You may"

He wastes no time in heading upstairs and Zuri frowns at Grayson before following her best friend

"Grayson", Ashley says unimpressed

"Well they're not actually gonna arrest him, I just had to say that. Relax"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Ivy scoffs

She widens her eyes, "Ivy"

"No, dads crazy. So what Coles been skating in secret-

"I don't expect you to understand"

"He rarely falls and if he's risking his health then that should be enough evidence to show you that he loves ice hockey", She says annoyed

Somehow I feel like it would be wrong for me to speak, but damn white people love to shout

"Ivy, let me handle it-

"No Mom, he's always hard on Cole for no reason and it's getting annoying-

"Ivy I said let me handle it" She says seriously

Miles frowns as his sister leaves the table and Ashley sighs before looking at me, "I'm so sorry about this"

"Don't be, it's ok"

"Can you guys give us a minute?"

I nod before looking down at Miles, "Let's go play cars"


I laugh, "You can't just crash into the red car all the time"

"I hate that one"

"Well I bet your blue one isn't as fast"

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