|18| Penthouse

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"What is it" Treyton notices my face

I turn off my phone after reading the messages that came along with the calls

Khalil: Dax
Khalil: Dakotaaa
Khalil: Come on just talk to me, please


He gives me a look, "You don't look so sure"

"I am sure, don't worry about it"

"It's Khalil isn't it" He says knowingly

Treyton looked so annoyed

"He was drunk when he called me I can tell-

"You're making excuses for him"

I sigh, "Trey you need to believe me ok?"

He narrows his eyes

"He's not like that" I say softly

Eventually he left it alone, usually I love it when a guy gets jealous but not when it's because he thinks my ex is abusing me. I had time to talk to Miles a little more, his relationship with Trey is really cute and I can tell that he looks up to him.

I half smile, "Thank you Ashley"

She holds my hand gently, "I really wish you had chosen to stay. But I understand that Treyton wants to look after you"

"And just know that you are always welcome here"

"Thank you" I say softly

She nods a your welcome before heading back into the house and my sister hugs me right away, "Please just do what Treyton says" Zuri murmurs against me

"Debatable. You know me all too well", I kiss her on the head and she looks up at me

"You need to stop drinking D, I'm scared"

I could see the fear in her eyes, she thinks I'm going to turn into Marty but I'm not going to. I sigh, "Alright I promise"

I said bye to Cole and then to Ivy and Miles. It was so sweet how he didn't want me to leave, I promised him that whenever he wanted to see me he could and that I'd buy him some candy too. Such a cute kid.

As of now it's just Trey and me in his car, I can't believe that I actually agreed to stay with him. "Did you mean it?"

I frown as I look away from the window, "Mean what"

"That you'd stop drinking"


He stops at a traffic light before looking at me, "I just won't drink all the time" I tell him

I can see that he's assessing me, but not in the you're beautiful kind of way, he's doing it in a 'I still need to check that you're ok' kind of way. "Trey come on"

He shakes his head as he starts driving again, "You don't know what it was like D"

"What are you talking about-

"Seeing you there unconscious, it scared the shit out of all of us. We thought you were gone"

I look down, "I know that. But I'm here now right"

He sighs, "Yeah"

Saying that his penthouse is big would be a total understatement, I mean it's a fricking penthouse. Treyton also unsurprisingly seems to have a personal relationship with the bellman.

When we entered I was hit with a flush of warmth, the interior is so modern and the entire place looks cosy. There's a whole load of windows and everything is very neat, "I'm impressed Lee"

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