|13| Altered truth

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"Dakota what are you doing?"

I rest my chin on my legs, "Go away please"

"Why are you outside in the freezing cold?"

"Because I'm waiting for someone", I murmur

"You look like you've been waiting a long time"

I wipe my eyes quickly, "It's fine they'll be here"

Justus sighs as he sits beside me, "You're not waiting for anyone are you"

I continue to stare ahead at the trees instead of replying, "What's wrong?" He asks softly

I lean against the lamppost , "Do you really expect me to answer that"

"Not really"

It was silent for a second

"Want me to take you home?", Justus then asks

I finally look at him

"I can't"


I wave him off tiredly, "No questions. I just can't"

And then despite my painful migraine, I drink some more. "Ok I seriously think you have a drinking problem" He says with concern

"You know what I've had just about enough of people telling me about myself-... all of you should worry about you and I'll worry about me. You don't see me naming everything wrong with Jasmine, besides the fact that she's a bitch that's easily misled by blonde hair-

He frowns, "Jasmine?-

I talk with my arms so when my right arm went out, vodka went splashing onto the sidewalk. Justus lightly takes it away from me. "And you don't see me naming every tiny little flaw about her. She's so rebellious with loving parents who want nothing but what's best and she takes it all for granted, why? Because of a silly little vanilla faced bitch"

Justus narrows his eyes as I continue to over explain myself, "And Marty he-

I suddenly stop


Even his own name can install fear inside of me. I feel myself shrink as all the bad things associated with my father come back to mind. Drinking makes me forget my physical pain, but it only heightens my emotional pain and it fucking sucks.

And then out of nowhere...I start to break down, "I'm sorry"

Justus frowns, "For what?"

I sniff, "I think I'm talking too much-

He rubs my arm comfortingly, "Nah you're good"

I sigh tiredly as I close my eyes



He gets up, "Come on"


"Look you don't have to tell me anything but I'd be stupid to let you sit out here alone"

Usually I don't get into someone's car when I don't know them that well, but at this rate I'm too drunk to care and it's Justus. All I can remember is that we went to his car, and then my own fricking sleep kidnapped me.

I'm awoken by a nauseating feeling

God it's so bright in here, the light is literally screaming at me whilst burning my brain at the same time. All good feelings come to an end, I guess I thought I killed two birds with one stone when I drank last night but all I did was trade two hours of numbness for a whole day of terrible pain. And now onto the worst hungover that I've ever experienced

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