|15| 2 black eyes and a gun

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"Dakota wait"

"No" I continue walking ahead and he eventually catches up

"You need to calm down-

I scoff, "No I can't calm down. She's missing school for some kid who's definitely not a good influence, especially after what I just heard"

Cole revealed that Zuri skipped school to go out with some kid named Isaac, whoever the fuck that is. He apparently skips school all the time and influences his friends to do the same, smokes weed, does drugs and drinks too. I mean if you're gonna do all that at least show moderation or better yet keep it as a weekend thing, he's fifteen for frick sake.

"She's right, Isaac isn't the kind of guy you'd wanna be friends with" Cole says as we walk to Treyton's car

"If you knew that she was going out with him then why didn't you say something sooner?" Ivy scoffs

"Because I didn't think she'd actually go. Zuri verbalises.... A lot"

Very true

I shut the car door, "Where are they"

"Congress Heights"

I sigh, "Great"

"Ok I think we should uber it then", Treyton decides

I'm starting to think that he's black washed. For starters every white person I know wouldn't even dare to go to the South East because it's ghetto and as they would say dangerous, crime can happen anywhere but I'll be real my grandma used to live round there and all we'd hear is gun shots every night. Thankfully she moved back to Barbados though.

I'm also guessing that a lot of Treyton's friends are black, he just gives off the black washed vibes.... I don't know how else to explain it.

"You wanna go to Congress Heights" I ask unconvinced

"Just because I'm white, doesn't mean I'm scared to go"

"Trey come on, it's not your typical area-

"I know that, which is why you're crazy if you think I'm taking my car"

I give him a look, "Dakota. We're going" He tells me as we look at each other

Ivy leans forward, "If you two are done debating about this then can we go?"

"You're not coming", Treyton and Cole say at the same time

She scoffs, "What? That's not fair"

I frown, "Why can't she come"

"I'm not stupid. She's not coming" Treyton replies

"Well how come you're letting Cole go-

"Because hes been before"

"Ok, you two are being so sexist right now" I stare at them with a frown

"Nah, my dad would kill me if I let her and I wouldn't even think of it. There's a reason that area has a high rate of sexual offences-

"Shut up with the statistics" Ivy says annoyed

"Yeah and I'm a girl too"

"You're black though", Cole points out

"Can you honestly tell me you don't know people from there?" Treyton questions

Now that they mention it, I have a few cousins from my moms side who live around there. And honestly? The guys around there prey on any white girl that steps onto their territory, it's honestly disgusting.

I think for a moment, "Touché"

"Sorry V, you gotta sit this one out"

"You guys are so fucking annoying" She mutters 

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