|02| Bougie benz boy

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"You know you didn't need to come in today right"

"Table six said they ordered a beer but haven't received it yet"

Tamika looks back at Tyrone, "Can she hear me?"

He shrugs


"Table ten want another menu, more company coming in-


I point at Tamika's notepad "Also I added another orange juice for your table, the lady wanted one for her son. She also said that you didn't give her the waffles that she ordered"

"I can't with your black ass" She mutters before heading over there

"What happened to your lip?" Tyrone asks

dad happened

Truth being told, I just really didn't want to stay home today. Zuri went to Hope's house and I didn't wanna be left alone with dad so I came to work, as soon as Jasmine gets back i'm going over to hers. "Nothing-

"Dakota what are you doing here?" Jackie says confused

"Working" I say in a duh tone

She looks at Tyrone with a frown, he does nothing but shrug at her before walking into the kitchen, "What's wrong with your lip"

"Just a small cut, it's minor"

"Hmm ok, well how about you take that minor cut of yours and take table sixteen"

I scrunch my face a little, "They look racist"

She shoves a notepad into my hand, "Go"

I roll my eyes before doing so. The table is being occupied by two white males, one of which looks a little childish with the backpack that he has on, the other looks ok.... I find it odd -and a little creepy- that he's already staring right at me though. I'm gonna take a guess and say that they're nineteen, give or take.

I mentally roll my eyes as I reach their table, "What can I get for you"

"I thought waitresses were supposed to be nice" Mr backpack says

I scoff, "Excuse me?"

That took me by surprise

He sits up a little, "What happened to how may I help, now all of a sudden it's what can I get for you-

I narrow my eyes, "I'm sorry I didn't realise that I signed up for lessons from a nineteen year old in a backpack"

"Actually i'm twenty one, but i'll take that as a compliment"

I grit my teeth before looking at mr hazel eyes, "Would you like something or are you just gonna keep staring"

He sets his menu aside, "I would actually"

I look at him expectantly, "Wait what about me" Backpack interrupts

"You didn't exactly say what you wanted when I asked you"

He narrows his eyes at me, "I don't like your attitude-

"Suck my dick-

"Woah, ok hey" Jackie chuckles nervously as she steps in

Backpack looks at her, "You the manager?"

"Owner" She nods

"Your waitress just swore at me-

"Oh as if you didn't deserve it" I say annoyed

Jackie gives me a look and I shrug back at her annoyed, she gestures for me to go back to the front and I roll my eyes before doing so. "Sorry about that, I'll take your order" I hear as I leave

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