|30| Liar Liar

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"One minute and fifty nine"

She looks at Treyton, "I was hoping we could talk in private"

"No. Whatever you have to say you can say it in front of him"

Grace sighs, "Dakota I am so sorry for leaving"

I scoff, "Then why the fuck did you go"

"Because I-... your grandmother was sick"

"She's lying" Treyton tells me

She looks at him annoyed, "I wasn't speaking to you child-

"Nobody here is a child"

"I'm sorry, I can't do this if he's sitting here" She says to me

"I don't care. Tell me the truth, why did you leave"

"I just had to"

Not good enough

I look at the child in her arms, "But you had time to be making babies"

"Ok I probably deserve that"

"How old is she"

The girl looks at me as if sensing that I'm talking about her, "She's two"

That one hurt but I'm gonna ignore it, "Hey it's work. I gotta take this" Treyton murmurs

I nod as he kisses me on the cheek, he then gives Grace a look before getting up and walking away. "So you're into white boys?"

"Don't try and pretend to have an interest in my life. What are you doing here-... and don't you dare say it's for me or my sister because you didn't even recognise me"

She sighs, "The police called"

The police?

"They said your dads been arrested and they want to speak with me"

I don't reply and she narrows her eyes, "But you already knew that"


Grace frowns as she stops rocking her two year old, "Wait so where are you and Zuri staying?-

"Not your business"

"Dakota why did your father get arrested", She scoffs

"I don't know"

"You're lying"


Grace just assesses me, "You look a lot like me when I was your age"

Her daughter grips onto her hair and I just look at her, "Does she know what her mothers like"

Grace nozzles her nose before smiling at her, "Yeah. She does"

"So then she knows that in about ten years you'll leave. Twelve if she's lucky"

Her face drops, "Dakota I said I'm sorry ok?-

"No, sorry doesn't fix shit" I say annoyed

"Still getting used to the fact that you swear now", Grace mutters to herself

I scoff, "I'm not a kid"

She sighs, "You're right you're not"

Treyton puts his phone back in his pocket as he comes over, "She done?"

"What did you just call me?" Grace scoffs

"You heard me", He replies bluntly

She then looks back at me with some sort of disbelief, "So you into bad boys huh?"

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