|22| H.I.M

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I was awoken by the sounds of birds chorusing outside the window. I think I am sleeping beauty considering how easy it is for me to fall sleep and actually stay asleep, actually to be fair the last thing I remember doing is taking pills to help me do that because I was not about to have nightmares about that night.

I frown as I open my eyes, I'm lying on familiar black sheets and a black pillow. When I turn back I notice that no one's behind me, it's just me on Khalil's bed alone. My phones on twenty five percent and the Lock Screen is just covered in messages, the time is currently 1:05pm.

I was supposed to meet Jaz

Jaz: Hey wya?
Me: Sorry I overslept can we rain check? I'll call tonight I promise

I head into Khalil's bathroom before opening the bottom draw where all the spare toothbrushes are, it honestly feels like I never left at all. I did whatever I could to make myself look and feel more alive, I washed my face and wet my hair a little so that it could go curly, then I tied it into a low ponytail before sighing at myself in the mirror.

"This isn't happening" I whisper to myself

I feel like I'm trapped and have no space to think, it's like I don't know what to do with myself.

As I'm putting on my shoes the door opens and Khalil frowns, "Hey what's wrong?"

I put on my jacket, "Umm I need to go"

"Right now?"

I get up, "Yeah"

"Look D if what you're worried about is me I'm not gonna tell anyone-

"No it's not you Khalil I just-... I need to do something, I can't just sit here alone with my thoughts"

"Ok so come downstairs and let me make you something to eat-


He sighs, "Ok yeah"

I kiss him on the cheek softly , "Thank you for everything"

"I'll text you later", I add before leaving 

When I got downstairs I had kind of hoped that nobody would be down there but Leandra is in the kitchen (his mother), she turns around before raising her eyebrows with surprise. "Dakota?"

I smile a little, "Hi"

She rests her hand on her hip, "How have you been sweetie?"

"Oh I've been ok"

Leandra looks towards the stairs before narrowing her eyes, "Wait a minute does this mean you two are-

"No it's not like that I just came to talk to him, but I should really get going now"

"Nonsense, stay for breakfast"

"Mom, she has to go" Khalil says as he comes downstairs

She frowns, "Is everything ok?"

I nod, "Yeah... I should be going though. It was nice seeing you Miss P"

I hear the sound of the bell followed by a bark

However I don't move because for a moment there I thought I was dreaming, but then it rings again and I sigh before sitting up on the couch. Last night I got home pretty late and tried my best to stay awake but then I ended up crashing on the couch, there's some whiskey on the table along with my car keys.

I wipe my eyes as I get up and Cooper barks again, the bell ringing turns into knocking and I roll my eyes as I limp towards the door. "Just hold the fuck on-

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