Mayhem Ep.20 Pt.2

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The cameras showed the backstage area where Kaitlyn Jericho was seen walking around after accepting the Fiendess's challenge at Make or Break. Kaitlyn was making her way to the interview pad until she stopped to see Alexa's doll, Lilly, sitting on a nearby table when she walked up to it and picked up the doll when she looked at it, but was quick to set it down as it blinked and Kaitlyn heard a kid's laugh as she ran off before the cameras faded to ringside for the next match.

Jessa: The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, representing Dying Wish

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Jessa: The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first, representing Dying Wish.... from San Antonio, Texas.... Myst!

Myst walked out with Marilyn and Brooke by her side as they all made their way down the ramp and to the ring before they all arrived and got in as they did their team pose until their theme cut as Myst had a mic and was about to speak.

Myst: Now that there's been some challenges coming our way as of lately.... we'd like to get a chance for you people to see what we're made of before all three of us enter the Last Survivor match at Make or Break! And I've done some talking with Marilyn and Brooke here and we all agreed that this chick needed a fresh start..... let's see if she can earn that fresh start! So I choose to face Mayhem's newest signee..... "The British Baddie" Britt Blade!

The crowd went nuts as Britt Blade's theme played

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The crowd went nuts as Britt Blade's theme played.

Jessa: And her opponent, from London, England....... "The British Baddie" Britt Blade!

Britt walked out and down the ramp as she made her way to the ring and soon arrived as she got in and did her pose on the turnbuckle before she got down and her theme cut as the bell rang and the match began. Myst and Britt started off the match by throwing punches at each other until Britt took control and backed Myst into a corner before body slamming Myst and went for a pin, but Myst kicked out at one. 

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