Dirty Deeds Ep.11 Pt.2

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The cameras were backstage to show Sarah Michaels who was standing by one of the locker rooms.

Sarah: Good evening everyone. Earlier tonight, we just witnessed the WOW World Tag Team Champions, Nikki Cross and Killer Storm, who were attacked by the Marshall Sisters. I am waiting on both women who are talking with general manager, Nicole Foley about something.

Suddenly, Nikki and Killer stepped out of the office.

Sarah: Nikki! Killer! Can we ask you two what you were both talking to Nicole about in there?

Nikki: Due to the attack from earlier tonight, we had a talk with Nicole Foley about getting a match with them.

Killer: Which is why we're putting the World Tag Titles on the line at Evolution when it'll be the Marshall Sisters... vs "WOW's Twisted Sister" Nikki Cross and "The Dealer of Cold Justice" Killer Storm! Marissa.... Maria.... for now, we say........ see you at Evolution!

Killer and Nikki then walked away until the cameras went to ringside for the next match.

Laney: The followed contest is the final qualifying matche for the Chase the Case ladder match! Introducing first...... from Chicago, Illinois...... Claire Claret!

Claire walked out and down the walkway while she high fived some fans before she arrived to the ring and got in before doing a pose on the turnbuckle until she jumped down and prepped herself before her theme cut.

Laney: And her opponent...... representing the New Dark Order........... Anna Jay!

Anna walked out and down the walkway while she ignored the fans and soon arrived to the ring before she got in and did a pose before her theme cut and the bell rang as the match began. Claire and Anna locked up before Anna took control first and backed Claire into a corner as she kicked at her hips until Anna tossed Claire out of the corner and whiplashed her into a clothesline.

Anna then did a facebuster on Claire until she was about to go for a Rolling Cutter, but Claire reversed it and landed a roundhouse kick on Anna and she started getting a round of punches in on her. Claire then lifted Anna on her shoulders and did an airplane spin on her until she stopped and went for a Dragon's Knee until Anna was able to back away in time as Claire missed and Anna bounced off the ropes before jumping onto Claire's back for a sleeper hold.

Anna had the hold locked in tight as Claire fell to one knee until she built the strength to get Anna on her shoulders and went for the Dragon's Knee again, but Anna tried to reverse it into another Rolling Cutter, but Claire got out of it and lifted Anna on her shoulders before finally doing the Dragon's Knee on her before pinning her and getting the 1,2,3 and the win, making her the last competitor in the Chase the Case ladder match.

Laney: Here is your winner......... Claire Claret!

Claire had her arm raised by the ref as she celebrated her win as Anna rolled out of the ring while Claire was suddenly blindsided by someone, it's Marilyn Reeves.

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