Mayhem Ep.5 Pt.1

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The show opened with the opening pyro and the crowd cheered as the show started and it went down to Carly and Felicity.

Carly: Hello everyone! Welcome to another episode of Mayhem! I'm Carly Martin along with Felicity Barrow. Boy do we have a show for you tonight!

Felicity: Yes we do Carly! After the announcement from Dirty Deeds's general manager, Nicole Foley, our next pay per view Survival of the Fittest will have two five on five elimination tag matches, but one of them will feature five of our competitors from Mayhem and will face five of Dirty Deeds's competitors and so far Britt Blade and the Sandwoman are apart of team Dirty Deeds, but tonight we have spots to offer for team Mayhem tonight when Jane Moxley faces AJ Lee.

Carly: And the second qualifying match tonight, we have a tag team match where Britt Baker and Jordynne Grace take on Kaitlyn Jericho and Predator Goddess. That's gonna be a huge matchup with the two powerhouses mauling each other.

Felicity: It'll be like two Dinosaurs fighting it out in that one!

Carly: You mean like Jurassic Park?

Felicity: No, like Back to the Future. Of course like Jurassic Park silly!

Carly: Whatever, alright let's head to the ring for some in-ring action.

Jessa: The following contest is set for one fall! Introducing first...... from Queens, New York.... Maria Marshall!

Maria walked down the ramp and to the ring while she scoffed at the fans and arrived to the ring shortly before getting in and did her pose before her theme music cut.

Jessa: And her opponent.... from Toronto Ontario, Canada....... Kayto!

Kayto walked through the smoke from the smoke machines and she did her pose on the ramp while fireworks went off until they stopped and Kayto walked to the ring and slid under the bottom rope before getting up and doing her pose on the bottom and middle rope as she held up the rock and roll sign.

Once Kayto's music cut, the bell rang and Maria anaf Kayto locked up until Maria took control and wailed on Kayto before bouncing her off the ropes and into a shoulder tackle. Maria then picked up Kayto and tossed her into a corner where she threw some punches until Kayto shoved her off of her and began wailing on Maria.

Kayto then took Maria to the outside of the ring and threw her into the barricade before going for a spear on Maria until she moved and Kayto went crashing into the barricade. Maria got Kayto back in the ring and pinned her, but the ref only made it to two and Maria was mad that that didn't work.

Maria was about to go for a Devil Buster when she lifted Kayto on her shoulders, but Kayto escaped and bounced off the ropes for a spear until someone ran out to ringside.

Maria was about to go for a Devil Buster when she lifted Kayto on her shoulders, but Kayto escaped and bounced off the ropes for a spear until someone ran out to ringside

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