Mayhem Ep.2 Pt.1

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The show opens with the crowd cheering and the camera hovering over them once again and went to the broadcast team.

Carly: Hello once again everyone. I'm Carly Martin along with Felicity Barrow and can we go over what happened last week Felicity?

Felicity: Absolutely Carly, we witnessed the New Dark Order members invade the Mayhem last week and attacked Mayhem general manager, Samantha Rhodes, but tonight we have the chairwoman of WOW, Maxine Monroe, here again who will give us an update about Samantha and Nicole on their conditions.

Carly: Also, in our main event, Elle Danger will go one on one with Myst to determine who goes on to the finals of the Phenomenal Championship tournament at Lust for Gold.

Jessa: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome... Predator Goddess and Kaitlyn Jericho!

Kate walked out with Predator behind her and headed to the ring and shortly arrived before they both were inside and Kate had a mic as she began to speak.

Kate: Welcome to WOW is Jericho!

The crowd had mixed reactions to them both.

Kate: Now.... tonight is a big night. After I beat.... Nurse Britt Baker, I will go on in that tournament and become the first Phenomenal Champion and there's no one that can stop me. Not Britt, not Myst, and sure as hell not that annoying little girl, Elle Danger!

The crowd booed at Kate.

Kate: Now that I have Predator Goddess by my side, she will make herself known in her match against Jane Moxley later tonight and when she goes on to win the queen of the ring battle royal at Lust for Gold! Now enough of the bullshit small talk coming from me..... so, just send the Nurse, Britt Baker out here already!

Kate waited for Britt to come out as her theme played.

Britt walked out to a bunch of cheering people who were in support of her until she got to the ring and got inside.

Once the bell rang, Britt got the upper hand and started wailing on Kate when she back her into a corner and started kicking at her midsection before throwing her into another corner before using a running dropkick on Kate.

Britt then tossed Kate around the ring a few times until Kate reversed the last one and did a hurracurana on Britt and sending her to a corner where Kate was kicking at Britt's midsection.

Once Kate had stunned Britt for a second, she sent Britt over the top rope as she landed right in front of Predator and slowly looked up thinking Predator was gonna do something to her until she backed up and let Kate continue fighting.

Kate and Britt were now fighting outside the ring when Kate bounced Britt's head off the ring post and she held onto her mouth. Kate then tossed Britt into the steel steps before throwing her back in the ring.

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