Episode 2 Part 1

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The show opens when the lights on the stage came on and the crowd cheered as the cameras went over them and filmed them.

Carly: Welcome to WOW everyone. We are live from Atlanta, Georgia. I'm Carly Martin along with Felicity Barrow.

Felicity: Of course tonight, we have a stacked show for everyone. Tonight we have an announcement from our chairwoman of WOW and she's going to announce the competitors for the Chase the Case match and tonight our main event is between WOW's biggest signee and a competitor for the WOW championship two weeks from tonight, "The Man" Becky Lynch is in action against Jodie Lee of the New Dark Order.

Carly: Also tonight, we have tag team action as the rest of the New Dark Order takes on the Devil's rejects. This is going to be an amazing show tonight.

Carly: And to kick off the show, here comes one of the four competitors, Kaitlyn Jericho, who entered the battle royal last week even after going through a loss against Elle Danger and an attack from Predator Goddess.

Kate enters the ring and grabs a mic.

Kate: Welcome to WOW is Jericho!

The crowd had mixed reactions

Kate: Now.... I'm here to clear up what happened to me last week. That beast or whatever she wants to be called had left a gash wide open on what happens when you mess with the Jericho family. Predator Goddess.... show yourself.

Kate waited... nothing.

Kaitlyn: I'm not leaving until you show up Predator! Where the hell are you?!

Still nobody

Kaitlyn: Where oh where could yo-

Kate was cut off by Predator's theme playing as she walked out and made her way to the ring. Once she arrived, she got in as her and Kate stared at each other.

Predator was about to say something until she attacked Kate with the Predator Missile and started wailing on Kate as she blocked the fists and started to fight back until refs started running to the ring and got Predator off of Kate, but Kate leaped at Predator as the two kept fighting as it escalated to the backstage area until Predator got the upper hand and powerslammed Kate onto the floor.

Predator:.............. save that energy for your big match....... you're gonna need it....

Predator looked down at her one last time before she walked away from Kate who winced in pain as the medics went to check on her.


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