Dirty Deeds Ep.10 Pt.1

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The show opens with the opening pyro and the crowd cheered for the opening of the show until it went to the commentary team and the cameras hovered over the audience.

Zoey: Welcome to Dirty Deeds everyone! We are live here in Cleveland, Ohio! I'm Zoey Styles along with Jazz and we are finally almost at making it to Evolution!

Jazz: Yes we are Zoe. Tonight we have two qualifying matches for the Chase the Case ladder match at Evolution when Marilyn Reeves faces The Sandwoman!

Zoey: Also for those qualifying matches, we have Britt Blade facing Penelope Ford and tensions are really flaring up between all the competitors as we are getting closer and closer to Evolution!

Laney: Ladies and Gentlemen..... please welcome the WOW champion.... "The Man" Becky Lynch!

Becky walked through the cloud of smoke from the smoke machines and walked down the ramp and to the ring while she high fived some fans before she arrived to the ring and got in before doing her pose with the WOW title and raised it up until she put it over her shoulder and her theme cut as she was about to speak.

Becky: Good evening Dirty Deeds!

The crowd cheered for Becky.

Becky: Now after that battle that I had with Anna Balor at Unbreakable...... of course she'll be offered her rematch, but one thing has been on my mind... that thing being what she meant by me facing something else..... Anna..... just what do you mean by that?

Suddenly, Anna's theme played as she walked out with a mic in her hand until her theme cut and she was about to speak while she walked to the ring.

Anna: I'm glad you asked Becks...... ya see, my brother was someone we both trained with, but I must remind you of something...... you do remember the other side of him do you?

The crowd cheered for this until Anna had gotten in the ring and stood face to face with Becky.

Anna: You do remember the dark side of the Balor family right? The one thing that hides in the shadows of our minds and can strike anyone with fear.... aka..... The Demon Queen!

The crowd went crazy to hear what Anna just described until Becky slightly nodded at this thought until she was about to speak again.

Becky: Bringing the demon to WOW aren't we? That sounds like a challenge I'm willing to accept, but let me tell ya lass that this isn't my first deal with the devil, but I also have a strange feeling that the locker room hasn't gotten a fair amount of opportunity for this title.

Anna slightly nodded herself until she heard someone speaking, it's Nicole Foley.

Nicole: I see you're up for a bigger challenge Becky.... I like the way you think because I just had an idea. For our main event... tonight there will be a battle royal to determine who the third participant will be to face Becky Lynch and Anna Balor in a triple threat match for the WOW championship!

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