Dirty Deeds Ep.19 Pt.2

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Laney: The following contest is a Falls Count Anywhere Match and it is for the Woman of Honor Championship! Introducing first... the challenger..... from Phoenix, Arizona...... Penelope Ford!

Penelope walked down the ramp and high fived some fans on her way to the ring before she soon arrived and got in and did her pose until her theme cut.

Laney: And her opponent.... from the Undead Realm...... she is the Woman of Honor Champion...... Brooke Myers!

Brooke creepily walked out with the WOH title around her waist as she made her way to the ring and soon arrived as she got in and did her pose with the title until her them cut and the bell rang as the match started.

Brooke and Penelope circled around the ring until they locked up and fought for control as the two women suddenly started throwing punches at one another and began to fight. Penelope backed Brooke into a corner and began to assault her in the corner until she tried to launch Brooke into another corner, but Brooke reversed it and sent Penelope into the corner instead before she ran up and collided with Penelope and soon connected a running bulldog.

Suddenly, Brooke didn't seem to waste any time getting out of the ring and searching for weapons when she looked under the ring and soon pulled out a steel chair and a couple of kendo sticks and even a trash can as she got them all in the ring before she took the chair and swung it at Penelope before she ducked and kicked Brooke in her torso. Penelope then took the chair and hit Brooke in her back with it before she landed a facebuster on her until she did a few german suplexes on Brooke.

Once Penelope had Brooke down, she got out of the ring and started looking for weapons as well until she pulled out a table and set up outside the ring and soon looked under the ring again for more weapons until she pulled out a crowbar

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Once Penelope had Brooke down, she got out of the ring and started looking for weapons as well until she pulled out a table and set up outside the ring and soon looked under the ring again for more weapons until she pulled out a crowbar. Penelope then got back in the ring and saw Brooke got back up as Penelope rammed the crowbar into Brooke's torso until she forced Brooke onto the top turnbuckle and set her sitting up right.

Brooke then began to fight back as her and Penelope were exchanging punches, but Penelope soon climbed up onto the turnbuckle and began to fight Brooke until she grabbed Brooke and did another facebuster on her until Penelope ran up and landed a Running Corner Big Boot on Brooke as she fell off the turnbuckle and into the table. Penelope acted fast and slid out of the ring as she pinned Brooke, but Brooke kicked out at two as Penelope was shocked that that didn't work.

Penelope then picked up Brooke and sent her into the steel steps until she grabbed one of the Kendo Sticks and began to whack Brooke with it like crazy until she grew tired and suddenly ran up to her and went for another Big Boot, but Brooke reversed it and did a belly to belly on Penelope into the announce table which freaked out Zoey and Jazz. Brooke then suddenly went for a pin, but Penelope kicked out at two until Brooke grabbed the other kendo stick and began to whack Penelope with it like crazy.

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