Dirty Deeds Ep.3 Pt.2

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Laney: The following tag team match is set for one fall! Introducing first... representing the New Dark Order..... Tay Conti and Anna Jay!

Tay and Anna walked to the ring and arrived before doing their pose and their theme cut.

Laney: Thier opponents... first... representing Creatures of the Night..... Brooke Myers and Su Yung!

Brooke and Su creepily walked to the ring before they arrived and got in confusing Tay and Anna when Brooke and Su did their poses until their theme cut.

Laney: And.... the team of Nikki Cross and Killer Storm!

Storm and Nikki walked to the ring and high fived some fans before they arrived and got in the ring and did their poses before their theme cut and the bell rang when the match started with Nikki vs Su vs Tay.

The three women immediately threw punches all over the place at each other when Su and Tay began to work together for a little bit when they launched Nikki into the ropes and bounced her off them until Nikki double clotheslined them.

Nikki then took the fight to Su when she punched and kicked at her until Nikki started doing chops to Su's chest. Nikki then bounced Su off the ropes and did a spin kick on her until Tay attacked Nikki from behind and bounced her head off the turnbuckle and tagged in Anna.

Anna then did a running bulldog on Nikki until Su was back in it and her and Anna started to fight while Nikki secretly tagged in Storm and kicked the two women in the face.

Brooke then tagged herself in and went after Storm when she kneed her in the gut and tossed out Anna before doing a ddt on her and pinning her, but only got a two count as Brooke was about to do a sister abigail on Storm until she reversed it into a Cold Slumber.

Storm pinned Brooke, but was stopped by Tay when she used a Brazilian kick until Su got back in and did a panic switch on Tay. Tay then turned around until Nikki did a Glasgow Cross on Tay and went to pin her until Anna got back in and pulled Nikki into a Sleeper hold until Storm got back in and kicked Anna in her gut before doing Not So Fast on her.

Storm pinned Anna, but only made it to two when Tay got back in and did another Brazilian kick on Storm, but Nikki grabbed Tay and threw her out of the ring until Su spit the red mist into Nikki's face and threw her out of the ring.

Su then picked up Storm used a mandible claw on her until she passed out until Anna did another Sleeper hold on Su while she let go of Storm until Tay tagged herself in unexpectedly and did a running bulldog on Su and saw Brooke get back in when she ran into a Tayogoshi and pushed Brooke out of the ring while Anna did a rolling cutter on Brooke on the outside of the ring and Tay did a final Brazilian kick on Su to get the 1,2,3 and win the match for her and Anna as she rolled out of the ring.

Laney: Here are your winners.... Anna Jay and Tay Conti!

Anna and Tay had their arms raised while cameras showed Su and Brooke in pain and Su checking on Nikki, getting her some water for her to clear her eyes.

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