Make or Break Part 1

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The show opens with pyro as the crowd went crazy for the show's opening when the camera showed the audience as they cheered louder and louder.

Carly: Welcome to Make or Break everyone! We are live from Miami, Florida! I'm Carly Martin along with my fellow commentator Felicity Barrow!

Felicity: We're finally here Carly! Make or Break has finally arrived as we are about to have our first match of the night! Starting with..... Chase the case!

Jessa: The following contest is the Chase the Case match! Now in this match, competitors will compete for five cases. Four will be on poles in each corner and a mystery case hangs high above the ring. When all the cases have been claimed, the match will end. Now to introduce the participants... Myst.

One by one the competitors started to walk out and to the ring to the show's theme.

Jessa: Claire Claret.... Pheobe Jordan...... Predator Goddess...... Christie Zombie.... Olivia Driftwood...... Jamie Lee Johns........ Lucy Draven........ Toni Storm......... and Rhea Ripley!

Once all the competitors were in, they all started to fight all over the place until some went to the outside of the ring while some tried to get a case, but were pulled down and slammed on the mat.

A bunch of competitors were fighting outside the ring when Toni got on the top rope and jumped from the turnbuckle and to the outside when she collided with four competitors.

Myst fought with Rhea until she threw Myst into the barricade when out if nowhere Predator Goddess hit Rhea with a Predator Missile and Claire soon used a ddt to Predator on the floor.

Lucy had Jamie in her grasp when she was about to go for a Devil's DDT, but Jamie reversed it into a big top backbreaker. Jamie was about to grab a case until Myst used the Nightshade on Jamie off the turnbuckle and climbed back up a turnbuckle and pulled down the first briefcase she saw before leaving the ring.

On another side, Claire and Christie were fighting for another case until Olivia came in and attacked Claire until Olivia picked up Claire and used a shock treatment backbreaker when Christie snuck up onto the top rope and pulled another case down before she jumped down and walked up the ramp to the stage.

Olivia was a little angry, until she turned around to be met with a Predator Missile, but surprisingly knocked out Predator Goddess until Olivia was laughing when she lifted the bottom part of her shirt to show a metal plate that she hid underneath it as she laughed, took it off, and got up.

Olivia was about to retrieve a case until she was.picked up by Rhea and she used the riptide on Olivia as she slammed her down onto the mat when Phoebe turned Rhea around and went for a tilt-a-whirl ddt, but Rhea reversed it and threw Pheobe over the top rope and to the floor when she was then blindsided by Claire Claret with a roundhouse kick as Claire picked up Rhea for the Dragon's Knee. Claire then climbed a turnbuckle and pulled down another case, leaving two more cases up for grabs.

Jamie was going up against Lucy when she used a big top backbreaker on her and tried to use another one until Lucy reversed it into a Devil's DDT when Lucy looked to the last case on a pole, climbed up on it and took it down.

One case remained when Olivia got a ladder in the ring and climbed up it until Toni surprised her and climbed the ladder and used a Storm Zero on Olivia from the top of the ladder until Pheobe got back up and started to climb the ladder until Jamie did another big top backbreaker and took out Pheobe from the match. Jamie then climbed the ladder and was about to take the case down until Rhea used the riptide on Jamie as she was slammed with force from the top of the ladder. Rhea then climbed up the ladder and was the only one there when she unhooked the last case as the bell rang and all the cases were grabbed.

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