Evolution Night 1 Pt. 2

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Jessa: The following contest is a triple threat match and it is for the Defiant Championship! Introducing first, the challengers..... from Las Vegas, Nevada....... Brooke Havoc!

Brooke walked down the long ramp as thousands of fans gave mixed reactions to her arrival as she made her way to the ring and soon arrived when she got in and did her pose until her theme cut.

Jessa: Her opponents, first....... from Cincinnati, Ohio......... Pheobe Jordan!

Pheobe walked down the ramp and to the ring while she fist bumped some fans before she arrived to the ring and got in before doing a small pose for the crowd until her theme cut.

Jessa: And from Bristol, England....... she is the Defiant Champion....... "Hot Mess" Mary Syth!

Mary walked out with the title around her waist when she high fived some fans along her way to the ring until she arrived and got inside before doing her pose with the title and fireworks went off in the background during her pose until the fireworks were done and she handed the belt to the timekeepers area and he theme cut and the bell rang.

Pheobe and Mary started the match off with working together to take out Brooke as they threw multiple punches and kicks at her until they went to launch her into a corner, but couldn't until Brooke reveresed the Irish Whip from both women and did a double clothesline on the both of them.

Brooke then picked up Pheobe by her hair and literally lifted her up with one arm before hurling her over the top rope as Pheobe went flying until Brooke focused her attention on Mary and picked her up until she did a powerbomb on her and went for an early cover, but Mary kicked out at one.

Brooke then picked up Mary until she started to fight back until she went for an Irish Whip, but Brooke tried to reverse it and send Mary over instead, but she stopped herself as Brooke charged and Mary pulled the top ropes down as Brooke went over and landed on her feet until Pheobe dropkicked Brooke into the steel steps.

Pheobe then got back in the ring as her and Mary started throwing punches at each other until Pheobe got the upper hand when she did a spin kick on Mary and then went for an Indie Driver, but Mary reversed it and tossed Pheobe into the corner before doing a running high knee and followed it up with a running bulldog.

Mary then picked up Pheobe and did Rain Down on Pheobe until she went for a cover, but Pheobe kicked out at two as Mary picked up Pheobe until she kicked Mary in her gut and did an Indie Driver until Brooke got back in and landed a bicycle kick to Pheobe.

Brooke then picked up Mary and threw her out of the ring and cleared one of the commentary tables as Zoey and Jazz got out of the way and Brooke picked up Mary and powerbombed her through the table while laying her out. Shortly, Brooke got back in the ring and picked up Pheobe as she propped her up in a corner and lifted her for a Muscle Buster until she connected it with force and went for a cover, but Pheobe surprisingly kicked out at two and a half.

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