Survival of the Fittest Pt.1

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The show opens with the opening pyro and the crowd cheered for the opening of the show until it stopped and the cameras hovered over them until it went to the commentary team.

Carly: Welcome everyone! We are live here in San Francisco, California as we have finally arrived to Survival of the Fittest! I'm Carly Martin along with Felicity Barrow, Zoey Styles, and Jazz.

Zoey: The battle for bragging rights will be settled within three of tonight's matches to determine which show will come out on top as the superior brand!

Felicity: And without further ado Ladies and Gentlemen, let's get some action going.

Jazz: I'm with you on that one Felicity! Let's see some fighting!

Jessa: The following contest is a five on five elimination tag team match set for one fall!

Jessa: Introducing first, accompanied by Cici West........ the team of Anna Jay, Tay Conti, Allie, Dawn Silver, and Jodie Lee...... the New Dark Order!

All the members of the New Dark Order all walked out and down the ramp until they all arrived and got in the ring stood in the ring side by side before holding up their hand sign altogether until their theme cut and they waited for their opponents.

Female Voice: Wrestling has more than one royal family.

Jessa: Introducing their opponents, first.... from Marietta, Georgia...... Samantha Rhodes!

Samantha walked out and stood on the stage and did a pose until her theme cut.

Jessa: Her tag team partners, first..... from Long Island, New York...... Nicole Foley!

Nicole walked out and down the ramp with Sam as the the two women arrived to the ring and got in as they stood across the ring from the New Dark Order until her theme cut.

Jessa: And.... the team of Lydia Greig, Jessa Calderon, and Lauren Wilson....... The Lionesses of Doom!

Lydia, Jessa, and Lauren all walked through the crowd and shortly hopped over the barricades and surrounded the ring before they all joined Sam's and Nicole's side until the match was about to start with Jessa Calderon going up against Tay Conti.

The bell rang as Jessa and Tay locked up until Tay took control of the match first when she did a hip toss on Jessa and bounced off the ropes until she collided with Jessa. Tay got back up and went for a headlock until she did a ddt on Jessa and went for an early pin, but Jessa kicked out at one.

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