Dirty Deeds Ep.1 Pt.2

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*Crow Caws*

Laney: The following contest is a tables match set for one fall! Introducing first.... from Salem, Massachusetts..... Lucy Draven!

Lucy came down from the rafters and landed on the outside of the ring as she took off her harness and got inside the ring before she did her pose for the crowd until her theme cut.

Laney: And her opponent... from Phoenix, Arizona... Penelope Ford!

Penelope walked to the ring and shortly arrived before doing her pose after she got inside before the bell rang and Penelope went right after Lucy.

After Penelope landed a few punches and kicks on Lucy until she got out of the ring and got a table set up outside the ring and threw another one into the ring. Before Penelope was about to set it up, Lucy kicked her in the head and started wailing on Penelope.

Once Lucy took a quick break, she threw Penelope into a corner and connected a missile dropkick on her. Lucy then saw the table Penelope brought in and set it up in the corner. Lucy then threw Penelope to the table, but Penelope stopped herself when she elbowed Lucy in her cheek.

Lucy was stunned for a second until Penelope surprised Lucy with a Superbad Cutter on her. Penelope then took the table down from the corner and set it up.

Penelope then set Lucy on the top turnbuckle and was about to do a superplex on Lucy, but failed to do so when she tried to lift Lucy, but couldn't. Lucy then pushed Penelope, but she missed the table until Lucy pulled a gutsy move and connected Raven's flight (frog splash with arms spread out) on Penelope and landed on her with force.

Lucy then did a Devil's DDT and threw Penelope over the top rope and onto the apron when she tried to collide with her, but Penelope did a spinning kick to Lucy's face when she fell down in the ring. Penelope then went up top and tried to do a frog splash, but was stopped when Lucy used the middle rope as support and ran up to kick Penelope in the side of her head and Penelope fell off and through the table on the outside of the ring and the bell rang.

Laney: Here is your winner... Lucy Draven!

Lucy had her arm raised by the ref until Lucy was attacked from behind by some masked women.

Jazz: What the hell?! Who the hell are they?

Zoey: I don't know! Their masks are similar colors of the Dark Order's though!

The three masked women then had Lucy as they triple powerbombed her into a table and left her there before Nicole came out with security and the three masked women jumped over the barricade and through the crowd while six security guards went after them, but they all escaped.

Zoey: All hell is breaking loose here!

Jazz: No doubt about that Zoey. Like you said those masks on those women looked so similar to the New Dark Order's, but we don't know that for sure.

Zoey: That is right, alright, but up next we have the WOW champion, "The Man" Becky Lynch in action where she takes on "The Reaper" Catherine Ambrose.

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