Dirty Deeds Ep.11 Pt.1

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The show opens with the opening pyro and the crowd cheered for the opening of the show until it went to the commentary team.

Zoey: Hello everyone! Welcome to Dirty Deeds! We are live here in Brooklyn, New York! I'm Zoey Styles along with Jazz and we are so stoked that Evolution is almost around the corner!

Jazz: Yes we are Zoe! Tonight we have the final qualifying matches for Dirty Deeds's side for the Chase the Case ladder match at Evolution as we have Catherine Ambrose facing Ember Rose!

Zoey: And we also have Claire Claret facing Anna Jay of the New Dark Order. But also later tonight, The WOW champion, Becky Lynch, will be in the same ring as Alexa Bliss, but the mysterious whereabouts of Anna Balor are unclear so we don't know what to expect from her later tonight.

Laney: Ladies and Gentlemen please welcome...... the general manager of Dirty Deeds....... Nicole Foley!

Nicole walked out and high fived some fans along her way down the ramp as she soon arrived to the ring and got in until her theme cut and she was about to speak.

Nicole: Good evening Dirty Deeds!

The crowd cheered.

Nicole: Now as you all know, I am set to face my former friend and general manager of Mayhem, Samantha Rhodes. in an Extreme Rules match. I myself have experience and so does she, but what Sam hasn't seen in a long time is how psychotic I can be when it comes to all rules being scrapped off the table.

The crowd cheered again as Nicole asked the camera guy to do a closeup.

Nicole: Sam..... I am forewarning you about this right now! There will be blood, there will be violence, and you will sure as hell see what I have to show you what I am capable of doing t-

Suddenly, out of nowhere, Samantha Rhodes showed up and started attacking her until she threw Nicole out of the ring and tossed her against the barricade as she was kicking at her until she went to the timekeepers area and grabbed a chair and was about to hit Nicole with it until Nicole speared down Sam and she was throwing punches and slamming Sam's head on the floor until multiple refs ran out to separate the two women as they backed Nicole and Sam off of each other.

Jazz: No doubt about it, these two women are looking to rip each other apart come whatever may at Evolution!

Zoey: Yes they are Jazz! Nicole Foley desperately wants a piece of Samantha Rhodes, but for now both women are being restrained until Evolution!

The refs pulled Nicole away from Sam as both women were shouting profanities and slurs at each other until Nicole was dragged to the back and Sam was escorted out of the arena.


Laney: The following contest is a qualifying match for the Chase the Case ladder match! Introducing first......... from Seattle, Washington........"The Reaper" Catherine Ambrose!

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