Make or Break Part 2

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The show came back as the second ring and rectangle cage was set up and the two cages were set on the stage for the war games match.

Jessa: The following... is a War Games match set for one fall! Introducing first.... the team of Tay Conti, Allie, Anna Jay, and Jodie Lee..... The New Dark Order!

All four of them walked out as Anna went to the ring first while the other three were locked in their cage.

Jessa: Their opponents... the team of Ember Rose, Nancy "Hangman" Parker, Penelope Ford, and Jordynne Grace!

Jordynne's team all walked out as Nancy went to the ring first and Ember. Penelope, and Jordynne were all locked in their cage.

The bell rang as Ember and Anna started off the match with both women throwing punches and kicks at each other.

Ember then got the advantage when she did a hurracurana on Anna and followed it up with a leg drop. Anna tried to get away from her but Ember did a high risk move when she used the ropes of the first ring as a springboard and clotheslined Anna from mid air.

After 2 minutes went by, Ember heard the buzzer go off as Tay came running to the ring until she did a Brazilian kick to Ember's head as Tay and Anna went for a double team move before Anna pinned Ember for a one count.

After another 2 minutes, Penelope started running to the cage as she got in and started to help Ember as the four women went at it for a while.

Anna and Tay were about to go for a high risk maneuver when Penelope stopped them and was able to do a superplex on both of them as Ember did a double powerbomb on both women at the same time.

After a two count, the buzzer went off again as Jodie was released from the cage and she ran tonthe ring and closer both women at the same time and was throwing them around both rings and they hit the cage a few times.

After two more minutes, Jordynne was released from the cage as she got to the ring and her and Jodie started fighting and Ember jumped over the top rope and into Anna and Tay.

After a while, Nancy and Allie were finally in the ring when all the women were hitting and flying around at each other.

Jodie had managed to sneak in a couple tables when she set them up until she looked up to see Ember on top of the cage when she jumped and landed on Anna, Jodie, and Allie.

Jordynne did a Grace Driver on Tay from the top rope until Ember followed it up with a Skyliner and a Widow's peak. Nancy and Anna were now on the top rope when both women had thrown punches at each other and dangled from the ledge until Nancy took advantage and used a Void Kick on Anna as she went crashing down through a table.

Penelope then used a fisherman's suplex on Allie until Jodie tried to save the match when she clothesline her, but Nancy got up and kicked Jodie's knees and used another void kick on her when Jodie got back up and Jordynne used another Grace Driver on her and pinned Jodie for the 1,2,3 and get the win for her team.

Jessa: Here are your winners the team of Nancy "Hangman" Parker, Penelope Ford, Ember Rose, and Jordynne Grace!

The four women had their arms raised and posed for the cameras as they looked over the damage done during the match.

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