Chapter 922 "The Elf Kingdom: Tree of the World

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Bluestar, San Francisco.

In the crowded office, a man with a cigarette looked at the time on his watch and threw half the coffee into the trash can.

He whistled, looked at his fellow man who was still working, and tapped him on the shoulder :

"Hey, Tony, any plans this weekend ? I've recently bought a new fishing rod. Do you want to go to the lake tomorrow and try it?"

Tony was a young man in his thirties, tall and thin, with a messy dark brown curl, dark circles under his eyes and a high nose inherited from his father, who always looked melancholy.

Hearing the old friend's words, he will save the unfinished work, gently closed the computer, shook his head :

"No, Hand, I've got plans for the weekend."

"There's a plan ? Is there a new virtual game released?

Hand picked his eyebrows lightly, stuffed his cigarette butts into the ashtray, and asked curiously.

"Something like that. Have you heard of Elf Country?"

Tonillo asked with some anticipation.

"The Land of the Elf" ? It's a little familiar... Hell, why am I familiar with this name that sounds like an old antique? I must have drunk too much whiskey yesterday!

Hand shook his head.

"No, Hand, you've heard of it. It's a virtual game that exploded on the tubing last year."

Tony continued.

"The fictitious game ? So, I'm sure I'm impressed, which company's ? Well... I think it's from Europe. "

Hand asked, one after another, as he rekindled himself a cigarette.

" no, it's china."

Offline shook his head.

"Heaven ? Heck, when did China ever have a virtual game that could get into your eyes?"

Hand stared wide, and the cigarette in his hand almost fell to the floor.

But soon, he suddenly realized, and he got up from his seat :

"Oh, God, I remember ! It's the game video released by the students who studied in China last year ! The one with a little "Lord of the Rings" feel!"

" that's right, that's it."

Tony smiled.

"Eh ? But... I remember that game was only open in China, right?

Hand frowned.

"That was before, as early as the beginning of the year when the international service opened, but the number of places has been limited, few people have snatched the qualification.

Tony explained.

Hand looked at his old friend in surprise, and he said :

"So, you've got a place now?"

"Of course ! I'm going to start my adventure this weekend in the beautiful Elfland ! You don't know, I've been looking forward to this day for more than two years!"

Tony said with some pride.

"You guy, if you have any fun games, you'll stay at home... ...I don't know how Jennifer can stand you."

Hand shook his head and said.

However, after hearing his words, Tony looked dim and sighed :

" forget about her."

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