Chapter 839 Are you crazy

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  A soft light covered Diana's body, and his illusory body gradually became solid.

  It was the power of life, healing Diana.

  As the golden photons flooded into her body, Diana's breath of malaise began to recover, and his power, which had almost fallen off the demigod, began to slowly rise ... ...

  Looking at Diana, who gradually recovered her breath, Keretz's eyes also showed a touch of peace of mind.

  As a spirit who survived the thousand years before the war, he and Diana have long known each other, and have a great respect for him, as much as his teacher, Eris.

  "It will take some time for Diana to regain her strength. Let's summon the door of reversal under the goddess."

  He looked at the two mythical dragons accompanying him and sank his voice.

  From here to the Elf Forest, the distance is still too far, thousands of elves, old and young, really want to go, not a year and a half certainly can not rush back.

  Not to mention, the Segways continent is not calm now, and war has broken out in many places, and although the safety of the elves is protected by mythology, the safety of the elves is not threatened, but more is better than less.

  Of course, more importantly, the space transfer artifact under the goddess's crown is not in vain.

  Hearing Keretz's words, the two mythical dragons nodded and flew to him.

  The three myths stand in a triangular shape, and at the same time meditate on their prayers :

  "The great goddess of life, the master of nature, the patron of the elves, your followers hereby pray for your power to communicate with time and space with the holy gate, and to bring the believers back..."

  With the prayers of the three myths, the golden glow blooms in them, and the next moment, the whole sky suddenly shines brightly, the void is constantly distorted ... ...

  In the shocking eyes of the elves, see a magnificent triumphal stone gate gradually emerged, appeared on the sea.

  The power of God is mighty, and the sea is rough.

  Through the golden portal, you can see the other side.

  It was also a sea, but behind it was a land of lush vegetation, and on the shore, a beautiful elf city loomed.

  That's the seaside city of Milovia.

  Connect the two places through the gate of reversal, the closer the distance, the less consumption. Although Milovia is located on the west coast of the mainland, it seems that the distance is the furthest, but if you go in a different direction, from the east to the east, it will be relatively close ... ...

  However, the endless ocean as vast as the Pacific Ocean on the Blue Star is unnavigable, the weather is strange, and the ocean is home to all kinds of terrifying beasts, which, although straight away, may be more troublesome than taking the Segways route.

  Of course, it's not a matter in the face of space transfer artifacts.

  The door of reversal opens, and the road home is clear.

  The three myths are also relieved.

  However, at this moment, with the harsh sound of breaking the air, an arrow of white and golden flames flew from a distance, facing Diana's heart !

  The mighty power of the earth surrounds the white and golden arrows, dragging a long incandescent tail in the air, exudes a heart-throbbing pressure.

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