Chapter 802 Hell Core

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  Near the first level of hell hinterland.

  The hymn of the sacred and the roar of the devil interweaves, and above the ground, millions of troops of the abyss are fighting against the glorious army of prayers.

  This is the second battlefield of the first hell, which was opened up by the remaining main forces of the abyss after the complete failure of the invasion of the Segs world.

  It was the existence of this second battlefield that greatly delayed the action of the gods.

  Unlike the army of prayers in the other direction, which was closer to the hinterland of the abyss, the army of the gods in this direction was defeated by the attack of the abyss army.

  In time, this area of hell, once occupied by the army of the gods, may return to demon control.

  It can be said that on this battlefield, the situation of the Abyss Corps is very good.

  Even the two demon gods faintly felt the retreat of the gods.

  However, at this moment, the two demons were not excited at all. On the contrary, they looked worse than the other.

  "Well, does this look down on our Abyss army ? How dare you teleport an army into the heart of hell at this time ? How many people can He send ? Want to blossom directly in the center?

  Mamen, the third demon, sneered.

  "How did the goddess of life locate directly to the first level of hell ? No... does he know that hell planes without demons can be positioned between each other?

  The fourth demon, Bellier, looked suspicious.

  "Hey, how do you know, it must have been the myths of the abyss that He captured, maybe Samel and Azazle ! How else would he know the plane coordinates of the first hell?"

  Mamen, the third demon, snorted.

  But as soon as He finished, the two demons suddenly stopped.

  The air, a little quiet for a moment.

  The two demons looked at each other, and saw a hint of anger in each other's eyes :

  "Not good ! It's Azazler!

  "That son of a bitch must have given his core position ! His central position... probably near where the goddess of life comes!

  "The goddess of life... for the core of hell!"

  " stop him!"

  With that, they flew into the sky at the same time, first with a guarded general look at each other, then each other a sneer, below that belongs to their own abyss legion, and scattered in the abyss myth roared :

  "Don't dawdle ! Come with us!

  And at the same time, the city of demons.

  And beru Saibab broke the armrests of the throne :

  "Azazle ! So he hid the core so close!

  He was surprised, angry, and flew straight out, shouting at the army of demons on the ground :

  " attention of the whole army!"

  The first level of hell hinterland, in a rolling hill.

  It is less than 30 kilometers from the battlefields of Mamen and Belil, and 70 kilometers from the city of demons where Belusebabu is located.

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