Chapter 863 Boxed Lunch and Nightingale

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  Boxed lunch has not succeeded in proving that he was once boxed lunch.

  But after much thought, he eventually gave up completely.

  Knowing the truth is not necessarily a good thing for players, and it may bring many new problems.

  It's content to be able to look at the world again and have a healthy body as you wish.

  Without the memory of the blue star, there was no blue star's concern, this is also his own choice, nothing to regret.

  If there is any regret, it is that he will not be able to take risks with his former companions in the future.

  He's not the fourth disaster of omnipotent, he's only had one life, and he's lost the system.

  But by the same token, he has gained more.

  He has the long life of the Elvens, he has no level with the player, he has the potential of more infinite future ... ...

  He hopes to cherish and spend every day happily in this life.

  He now has a new concern, and he's going to start a new life.

  Looking at the nightingale standing on his side, clenching his palm, the eyes of the box lunch are full of gentleness.

  Boxed lunch's "rebirth", except for a game announcement, did not hype in "Elves Country".

  In addition to the beginning of many, many players who heard the news came to "consolation" him, gradually, his life also returned to calm.

  And unlike players, the elf clan is for the box lunch "rebirth" to carry out a grand welcome activities.

  Under the leadership of the nightingale, he attended a party belonging to the "NPC" in the Fei Lengyu.

  The party was very grand, and many of the spirits came, and even the temple sent representatives, and everyone sang and danced together to the music.

  It's a wonderful feeling, once boxed lunch, has been fascinated by fighting, although also participated in the various celebrations of "Elves Country", but more often, just entertainment with the players.

  Although he is a first-test player, but to be honest, he and NPCs do not intersect much, that is, with the nightingale, and some of the nightingale's friends.

  And now, from a different angle, from a different identity, he opened the door to a new world.

  NPCs really aren't just NPCs, Segways are a real world as well.

  Everything seems to have changed little, but everything seems to have changed again.

  When his identity changed, when his worldview changed, the whole world in his eyes was reshaped.

  He will forge a new relationship with the elves, and he will have a longer and more exciting life.

  At the same time, the relationship between box lunch and players will be completely rewritten.

  He has no game system assistance, no resurrection ability, no logout key, no friend list ... ...

  Players look at his expression, also is no longer an excellent player big guy, but a special NPC.

  It's a novel experience, but boxed lunches are not annoying.

  In life, you have to experience something new, don't you ?

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