Chapter 811 Crazy Golden Dragon

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  Outside the mine, the area had been surrounded by heavily armed troops, and in addition to the professional army, there were several apparently mercenary regiments, probably more than 3,000 in total.

  Surrounded by the knights, a boy in armor, who looked only 17 or 18 years old, was standing on a large stone, looking solemnly at the castle on the hillside.

  He had brilliant blonde hair and the Rosen family's trademark blue eye, and the soldiers around him were respectful.

  And soon, in the direction of the castle came a dragon roar, in his slightly congealed sight, a few embarrassed adventurers fled from the hillside in fear.

  They lost their armor and seemed to be greatly frightened.

  The blond boy frowned, facing the side of Knights Road :

  "Go and see what's going on, if anyone is hurt, and bring the commander of the Sunshirt Mercenary to me."

  " yes, master frank."

  said the knight respectfully.

  Soon, several adventurers were brought over by the soldiers, led by a tall soldier, a muscle.

  When he saluted the boy named Frank, he said in a deep voice :

  " master frank, our men are back."

  "How ? Is anyone hurt?"

  asked the teenager.

  "No one was hurt, and our men got out before the other side attacked."

  The soldier replied.

  Frank nodded and asked again :

  "What about the castle? Is it really a golden dragon?"

  Hearing his question, the soldier looked at another adventurer beside him, the adventurer's face is still a little pale, obviously just frightened, saw him nodded, respectfully and a little afraid to say :

  "Back... back to Master Frank, I... we didn't see clearly..."

  " didn't see clearly..."

  Frank frowned slightly.

  "Yes... Yes, when we step into the castle, it's like we're in another world, but everyone sees a different scene... ...I see a sea of fire, and... ...and a terrifying hot demon." I was almost swallowed by the devil... "

  The adventurer said tremblingly.

  "Another world ? Different scenes?"

  Frank fell into meditation.

  "Magic ? Is it an illusion?"

  He was thoughtful.

  And at this time, a fat, well-dressed middle-aged aristocrat came together.

  He looked at the boy and said excitedly :

  "Master Frank ! Golden Dragon ! It's definitely a golden dragon ! I've asked the miners, and a lot of people have seen it with their own eyes!"

  "Young master ! We must destroy the golden dragon ! I heard that Jinlong likes to eat precious metals ! He must have taken an interest in our gold mine, and if he drags it on, we'll be eaten up! "

  Seeing the middle-aged aristocrat, the teenager's eyes flashed a bit of disgust, he said calmly :

  "Mr. Paul, if it was really a golden dragon, it should have no malice against us, otherwise the adventurer would have died."

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