Chapter 866 The Evangelist in the Dungeon

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  It's a dark dungeon.

  Dark, damp, smelling of acid and decay.

  It seems to be a corner forgotten and spurned by the world, and all that can be heard is the sound of rats and cockroaches in the dark, and the occasional sound of torture and howling of prisoners.

  It's like awakening the eardrums that have been sleeping for years.

  Suddenly, with the clucking sound, the cold stone door of the dungeon was slowly pushed open, and several judgment knights came in with John, the god's family, tied to the forbidden demons.

  Old John looks a lot more messy than he did a few months ago, and his hair is a little messy.

  But his back was still straight, like a tough pine, as if nothing in the world could make him succumb.

  " mr. john, your new home has arrived."

  The Eternal Priest who had led old John here said strangely, and kicked him viciously.

  Old John didn't react much to the priest's behavior.

  He looked only indifferently at each other, and the divine gaze seemed to burn forever, and although it seemed calm, it seemed to contain a powerful force that made the Eternal Priest dare not look at him, and snorted gently over his head.

  Old John's eyes didn't stay on the Eternal Priest for long, though.

  His eyes swept through the dark dungeon, against the dull-eyed prisoners behind the cage, and over the drunken, muddy guards.

  It seems that he has been in this dungeon for too long, and the dungeon guards are no better than the prisoners except for a slightly more elaborate dress.

  " don't look, here's your place!"

  With a sneer, the priest pushed old John rough into a dark cell.

  Looking at the dark, damp cell filled with ill-intentioned prisoners, old John smiled :

  "Is this the way of hospitality under the Eternal Pope?"

  "Hehe, what time is it, do you really feel like you are a guest ? You evil heathen!

  The Eternal Pastor spat at Old John.

  Then, he kicked the other side in, closed the cell, sneered :

  "Mr. John, I've taken care of you. Your new roommates will take good care of you. I hope you'll have a good time here."

  With that, he laughed and left with the knights.

  The dungeon is dark again.

  Only, with the arrival of Old John, he soon became the center of the entire cell, and one prisoner after another quickly surrounded him.

  Their eyes, very dangerous, face with a sneer.

  And their physiques are much stronger than the prisoners in other cells, many of them wearing forbidden demon chains, and are obviously professional.

  The prisoner was led by a strong man nearly two meters high.

  He looked at old John with a sneer and squeezed his fist :

  " newcomer, your name."

  Old John smiled softly at his bad eyes :

  "You can call me John."

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