Chapter 888 Resistance Army

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"Rebellion! We must resist ! To overthrow the nobles and the Eternal Church, and to establish a fair and beautiful country like the Maple Moon Free Collar!
  An apparently drunken man at a tavern in Mania said indignantly.
  His voice was so loud that he heard it clearly in the small tavern that the people around him could not help but cast fear, admiration but with a little alienation and pity.
  Almost in an instant, his side was empty, leaving only his companion with a look of horror, nervously tugging at his sleeve, anxiously glanced in a certain direction of the tavern, and anxiously whispered :
  "Are you crazy ! ? The guards are drinking over there, and when they hear your complaints, they'll come and get you!"
  Hearing his companion, the drunkard burped.
  His red eyes, not knowing whether it was too much drinking or too angry, stared at a silver guard sitting on the other side of the tavern next to a large empty seat, and there seemed to be endless flames in the depths of his eyes.
  "What if you catch it ? The big deal is death ! It's better to stand up to death than to be forced to death by new tax bills and draft laws ! They are dead, dead in the castle of Doloria, and may be remembered as Lord St. John! "
  The drunkard roared angrily as he pounded the table with his fists.
  Hearing his words, the people in the tavern looked mixed.
  It seems that in mind of a series of recent events in the country, a feeling of death spread in the tavern.
  The drunkard's whining continued, and he roared and cried as he drank.
  Infected by him, the mood of the tavern guests also became obviously lost and sad, and under the sadness, suppressed is dissatisfaction and anger ... ...
  The sound of talk rang out faintly :
  "But what can we do ? The nobles are too powerful, and we have nothing... "
  "Yes, how can we resist when one of the noble lords can flatten this whole tavern?"
  "No ! Can't the weak fight ? I think he's right, that even we are weak, we'll bite a piece of meat from these abominable noble pigs and church dogs!
  "Or is the Church of Life right? Why should they be above others and oppress us when they are all the people of the Empire?"
  "That's right ! The greed of the aristocrats and the Eternal Church has no bottom line. If we do not resist, we will only get worse and worse!"
  "You have to fight ! This decadent country must be overthrown!"
  The more people spoke, the more angry they spoke, and in the end, the whole tavern seemed to ignite the anger of the civilians.
  It was not until the guard sitting inside stood up that the tavern was suddenly quiet.
  Guards can only be held by the extraordinary, and as loyal to the empire, the Mania Guards were also the hounds of the royal family, the aristocrats and the church.
  For a moment, all eyes were focused on the guards, with strong hostility, dissatisfaction and fear hidden in the depths.
  The guards did not pay attention to the sight of these civilians.
  He stared at the drunk who first complained, his eyes deep.
  Feeling the guard's sight, the drunkard glared at him and roared :
  "What are you looking at ? Wasn't it about catching followers of the Church of Life ? I thought we were going to catch the rebels ? Come and get me ! You church and empire stooge ! Bah!
  The guard frowned and walked towards him, but was soon stopped by the flattering tavern owner :
  "Mr. Knight, Mr. Knight, calm down, calm down, and leave him alone. I know this guy, who's honest, and he's definitely drunk today ! You don't know him as well... "
  At the same time, a few young citizens, who had just talked and showed a strong disgust with the aristocracy and the church, came forward, either in front of the drunkard or with him.
  The guard raised his eyebrows and walked past the tavern owner.
  And the drunkard side of the common people quietly picked up the table of wine bottles and fruit knives, and some people picked up stools.
  They stared at the guards as if they were a great enemy.
  An atmosphere of swords and crossbows began to spread in the tavern.
  "Come on ! A noble stooge ! Let me see if you bastards of the Guard are really as good as legend has it!"
  The drunkard scolded red-eyed.
  For a moment, the tavern was getting more and more gunpowder, and it seemed that a fight could be made at any time.
  The owner of the tavern looked slightly changed. He looked around and called the waiter and ordered something, and the waiter ran out in a hurry.
  But just when everyone thought a battle was about to break out, the guard simply reached out and tapped the drunkard on the shoulder :
  "Calm down, friend, it's pointless to rely on a warm blood alone."
  And he did not look back, but went out of the tavern, but when he came to the door, he stopped suddenly and said :
  "Furthermore, I am only a guard, not a nobleman, nor a friar."
  Then his figure disappeared into sight.
  Only blank-faced drunks and other civilians, as well as relieved hotel owners.
  Moments later, a soldier apparently dressed as a mercenary came in, led by the waiter, and his eyes wandered around the tavern, frowning :
  " where are the guards?"
  " gone, already gone."
  The tavern owner said afraidly.
  " gone?"
  The mercenary was stunned.
  And then there's some confusion :
  "Can those bastards leave so calmly after the conflict?"
  "Who knows... ...and I don't know when such a panic day will end..."
  The tavern owner sighed.
  "Hey, if you can't clean up the noble pig and the church dog, that's never the head!"
  The mercenary sneered.
  The tavern owner was stunned, as if he had not thought that the mercenary, who was said to be often hired by the imperial authorities and had a good relationship with the Mania City Guard, would say the same.
  On the other side, the guards leaving the tavern turned left and right, and soon turned into an unassuming alley in Mania.
  He went deep into the alley and knocked on the door.
  " who?"
  Inside the door, there was a vigilant inquiry.
  " it's me, bowen."
  The guard's voice was deep and deep.
  The door opened quickly, and a young man appeared in shape and said in surprise :
  "Captain Bowen, you're here!"
  The guard named Bowen nodded gently.
  " is the mentor here yet?"
  He asked.
  "It's here, waiting for you inside, and there's a new guest today."
  " new guests?"
  Bowen picked the eyebrows.
  Finished, looked at the other side that some excited appearance, his heart moved :
  "It's not from the southwest, is it?"
  Seems to find himself missing, the young man quickly exaggerated expression to cover the mouth, then slowly put down the hand, mysteriously laugh way :

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