Chapter 900 Unprecedented Enemies

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Elf Forest, the main road that players open up to communicate with the main city and the core area.
  Suddenly, the forest on one side of the glimmer, trees and shrubs consciously moved to both sides, revealing a new road.
  The footsteps of the brushes came, and with the faintly audible sacred hymn, the silver-armored judgment knights appeared in neat steps from the road into the main road of the Elf Forest.
  This is the legion of the Eternal Church.
  After passing through a large forest, they finally left Eve's open path and entered the real network of roads in Elf's Forest.
  Today, the main activity area of the players of the Elf Forest has been carefully built by the old and new players to form a transportation system in all directions.
  The whole system takes the main cities and elf cities as the node, the city of choice as the core, covering the whole elf forest core area, and the south-central elf forest.
  At the same time, the transportation network also connects guild strongholds, large and small, as well as elf villages.
  Still, the army of the Eternal Church doesn't seem interested in strongholds along the route.
  They don't care, except that players' strongholds that happen to be on their route will be burned by them.
  They seem to have given up supplements, given up behind them, with only one goal, and that's the core of the Elf Forest, the World Tree.
  On the ground, the legions of judgment knights and church priests lined up neatly, moving towards the depths of the Elf Forest.
  In the sky, the Holy Angels moved slowly in step with the Judgment Corps on the ground.
  Giant sun badges were held high by priests, gleaming in the sun, white and golden light shrouded the whole team like a cover moving with the Eternal Legion.
  Both sides of the road, in lush forests.
  Players "first with filial son" with their guild members, ambush in the forest, cautiously looking at the advancing eternal army.
  The first filial son was the deputy head of the Azeroth Guild Union and the deputy head of the Azeroth Guild.
  As the Grand Congregation closest to the Eternal Church's invasion in the Great Holy War, they also assembled fastest.
  But, at this moment, looking at the advancing army of judgment knights on the main road, looking at the sacred and majestic angels in the sky, the first with filial son look is more and more serious.
  At this point, a breathless player leaned over from behind him, looking with a hint of fear.
  None other than Black Friday, the head of the Knights Templar, the Union of Azeroth Congregations.
  Seeing people, the first with filial son a bright eye, hastily asked :
  "Friday, did you see ? How many people have the Eternal Church come?"
  "Many... many, many... no end to see, according to past experience, I'm afraid tens of millions, and the average strength is extremely strong..."
  "I was just flying in the air, not close, just hiding in the clouds with binoculars, were discovered by the angels, a magic almost did not directly give me back to the point of resurrection."
  Listening to Black Friday, the first filial son's look became more serious.
  He turned his eyes to the advancing legion of the Eternal Church, and said :
  "These crazy people, so many people, are not afraid to drag their logistics down..."
  "Brother filial son, I'm afraid it's impossible to expect logistics to drag them down. I observed that their supply seems to be different from those conventional aristocrats. I'm afraid they used some summoning magic, and many of the supplies were summoned on the spot by priests praying."
  Black Friday sinks the soundtrack.
  The first with the filial son stared at the eyes, a moment of surprise.
  He thought about it, and then asked :
  "Did you contact the church ? If I remember correctly, the gods seem to be able to block space, please Alice or Big Sister pray to the goddess, seal these guys' space call!
  The look of Black Friday was even more grim :
  "Brother filial son, the heart of nature has long asked, the church replied that the goddess has long blocked the space, those photons in the forest are the characteristics of the blockade opening."
  "It's locked down ? But it's locked down. How can they still use space summons?"
  The first with a filial son is astonished.
  Black Friday's gaze stopped on the sun badge held high by the priest in the Eternal Legion, guessing :
  " i'm afraid it's those sun badges..."
  "Before the internal test player participates in the Orc war mission, is to rely on the goddess' idol to lift the Orc god's space shield, maintain the movement of the transmission array.
  "I think these sun badges of the Eternal Church, I'm afraid, have a similar effect."
  After listening to Black Friday, the first filial son nodded slightly.
  He meditated for a moment and said :
  "We can't wait any longer. Wait a little longer and our ambush may be discovered. Before they notice, try a wave first. Someone has to find out, or return to the city."
  "By the way, pay attention, when you see the Eternal Pope, there's a screenshot of him on the official website, don't be wrong, and the high-hated bishops around the Eternal Pope, one count one, all of them."
  The first son of a filial son told Black Friday.
  But Black Friday was a bit of a bummer :
  "Brother filial son, that must be able to fight first..."
  Take a filial son and make him look white :
  "Do your best, listen to the destiny of heaven, but the resurrection is free of money."
  " well, big brother is right."
  Black week at five o'clock nodded.
  Then, the first with a filial son look a solemn.
  He got in touch with his guild's chat channel :
  "Attention of all players in the war!"
  " prepare for battle!"
  In the ranks of the Eternal Church.
  Benedict II rode on the back of a white steed, surrounded by judgment knights and church bishops in the center.
  His eyes swept through the forest on either side of the road, and a hint of mockery flashed deep in his eyes.
  The next second, the trees and leaves rang in the forest, and with a harsh whistle, countless arrows and offensive magics poured out like raindrops towards the army of the Eternal Church.
  It's just that looking at the sudden attack from both sides, whether it's the holy angels in the sky or the legion of judgment on the ground, it doesn't seem to care.
  The bishops in the procession stared.
  They looked at the priests and shouted :
  " holy shield!"
  Then the brilliance bloomed on the sun badges held high by the priests, and translucent shields appeared around the army.
  In the ambush player's surprised eyes, see the pouring arrow rain and magic in the translucent shield after hitting, can no longer move forward half a step.
  "Good guy... ...moving the enhanced version of the magic defense barrier?"
  Some players can't help but complain.

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