Chapter 892 Long live life !

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"Mr. Wolff, it's time for the age of monarchs and nobles to end, and if you lay down your weapons and surrender now, maybe there's a better ending..."
  Surrounded by Count Wolfe and the few remaining guard knights, Tim the Bloodhound, riding on horseback, said condescendingly.
  Around, the mercenaries, like him, put gold armbands on their arms.
  Then, the crossbows were aimed at the aristocrats and knights in the center.
  Gold and silver fruit dyed into the golden armband in the sun, is very dazzling.
  The arrow attached to the [Breaking Armor] [Front Sharp] spell effect flashes cold awns.
  Wolfe's eyes surged with anger against the mercenary's bad eyes.
  His eyes swept past mercenaries and rebels, and his light surged, and the light of his sword converged on the sword in his hand.
  The wind blew the cape behind him, his hair was messy, his body straight, a sneer, wild and arrogant :
  " surrender to civilians?"
  "Hehe... ...I the Wolf family can surrender to the royal family, to the nobles, but never to the commoners!"
  With that, he raised his sword and roared :
  "My knights, follow me, charge -!"
  Behind him, the noble knights also shouted angrily and raised their swords.
  The bursts of sword light gathered on the sword in their hands.
  Then the knights leaped to their feet and followed Count Wolfe to the mercenary and the rebels.
  " that's a pity..."
  Tim the hound shook his head gently.
  He raised his right hand, gave the order :
  " shoot arrows!"
  Whoosh — !
  The mercenaries fired thousands of arrows at dozens of nobles and knights who charged at them.
  With the muffled sound of crossbows and arrows into the flesh, the aristocrats and knights fell to the ground, and the count wolf, who rushed in the front, was finally unable to resist more and more arrows, was shot into a hedgehog.
  He wobbled slightly and stopped in shape.
  Looking at the mercenaries in front of him, he looked terrible, spewed a mouthful of blood, and then reluctantly fell down ... ...
  The red eyes, staring at the sky, seemed to die without understanding why the guards and mercenaries had defected.
  Seeing the death of Count Wolfe and the noble knights, the rebels cheered.
  They soon poured in to join the mercenaries.
  "Mr. Tim ! Monsignor Finn ! Monsignor Maximilian!
  Flag-waving senior officers greeted him.
  "Where's Captain Bowen ? Why didn't you see him?"
  Tim asked, taking a glance through the rebel army.
  " sacrificed, lord commander sacrificed, so did fabian..."
  The senior officer said with some sadness.
  Tim was a little stunned, and then some emotion.
  He reached out and drew a symbol of the scepter of life on his chest and prayed silently.
  "Mr. Tim, the regiment has taken control, and the unrebellious soldiers have surrendered. What are we going to do next?"
  asked the high-ranking officer.
  Hearing his words, Tim Hound and the other two mercenary commanders looked at each other and nodded.
  "To Mania City, let's go next, to Mania City!"
  He said in a deep voice.
  " mania city?"
  The senior officer stunned slightly.
  "Yes, this is the plan we have decided, and it is the original plan of His Excellency Captain Bowen!"
  "The Bloodhound," Tim nodded.
  With that, he looked in the direction of the city of Mania, and his eyes grew firm :
  "We will go to the city of Mania, and assist our companions in the city, and together we will take the prison of Doloria!"
  "There are many, many powerful men in the Doloria prison who believe in the Church of Life. Only when we go there and release our companions in the prison will we gain enough strength to break through the inner city and the palace," he said. Break through the empty Eternal Cathedral!"
  Hearing his words, the rebels were bright.
  "The prison of Doloria, the palace, the cathedral of eternity..."
  The senior officer muttered, looking more agitated.
  He raised his command sword, looked at his comrades in arms, shouted :
  "Brothers, take Doloria, release the faithful of life, and break the Palace and the Eternal Cathedral!"
  And the rebels are boiling :
  "Take Doloria ! Break through the palace and the Eternal Cathedral!"
  "Long live life ! Long live equality!
  The senior officer shouted again.
  "Long live life ! Long live equality!
  The soldiers also chanted feverishly.
  Then, the full-fledged 7th Guards Regiment, surrounded by the banners of the uprising, and the confluence of mercenaries, rushed in the direction of Mania ... ...
  Mania City, Outer City.
  On the streets, more and more people gathered from all sides.
  They were dressed in different ages, men and women of all ages, holding a variety of humble weapons in their hands, waving flags of red and yellow battles, and confronting the city guards who maintained order.
  And the only thing they have in common is that they wear gold armbands on their right arm.
  Looking around, the streets that had become more bleak a while ago were crowded with heads at this moment.
  It looks like the whole outer city is boiling.
  Fighting has broken out between the people and the city guards.
  Although the civilian strength was weak, the terrifying number made the soldiers tremble.
  "And reinforcements ? Why haven't our reinforcements come ? Where are the guards ? Where is the imperial city's forbidden army ? Where are the noble guards of the inner city?
  Cut down another thin poor who rushed up shouting "Long live life", the captain of the city guard roared.
  "It's a mess, Captain, it's a mess ! Word has just come from somewhere else, there are riots in various parts of the outer city ! The gates of the inner city have been closed by force!
  Behind him, the soldier said in horror.
  The captain's expression changed slightly.
  Watching more and more people, feeling the more angry mob as the number of companions grew, he gritted his teeth and said :
  "Return ! Back to the outer walls ! Rely on the walls to resist them!
  With that, he took the soldiers of the City Guard and struggled to move in the direction of the walls.
  The neighborhood is not far from the city walls.
  In the weak civilians killed a path of blood, the bloody city guard commander and the soldiers soon successfully retreated to the walls.
  And after ascending the high walls, looking inside the city of Mania, the gasping eyes of the captain of the city guard quickly turned into shock ... ...
  It's yellow.
  As the sun sets, above the sky, a red cloud of fire spreads, extending far away, into the boundless darkness.
  The towering towers of Doloria Castle and the minaret of the inner city's Eternal Cathedral meet in two directions, one still in the light, but the other, has faded into darkness.
  The setting sun shines on the magnificent ancient king city, coating Mania with a dim glow.

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