Chapter 827 Dueling and Barbecue

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  One black and one red, two dragons staring at each other.

  They sat face-to-face like two lazy big orange cats with their chubby belly, each dragon's claws clutching a shiny card ... ...

  The cards seem to be specially designed for dragons, ornately decorated and inlaid with artificial gems, each as big as a door panel and painted with various vivid monster patterns.

  Not only that, but also can feel the magic of the card, obviously attached to the magic.

  Such cards, estimated to be a lot of effort to make, are obviously the players have been ready.

  And looking at the familiar style of the monster on the card, Eve could not help but glance at the excited Demasia in the crowd.

  He probably... ...knows who made this card.

  And in front of the two dragons, you can also see two ornately decorated artificial gemstones, above the illusion of numbers, seems to represent "blood volume", that is, the game king's "lp".

  Eve sensed it, and it was full of magic, as if injected by the dragons.

  "Come out ! Dark red demon dragon!

  With the red dragon playing cards, the faint light blooms on the ground cards, faintly, a demon-like dragon figure flashed past, issued a roar, faintly emerged.

  It's four rings of illusion magic, fantasy disguise.

  There's no substantive effect, but it's based on the caster's imagination, consuming magic to transform the imagination.

  For these enchanted cards, it is the handsome and cool monsters painted on them, in the form of phantoms, and even a little sound.

  " whoa!"

  Some of the teen dragons onlookers gave out bursts of exclamations, looking at the shiny cards and the powerful monsters, the little stars in their eyes.

  And the two has always been irascible, impulsive famous color dragon is a face of excitement, "behaved" sitting on the stone, while gasping for heavy breath, while enthusiastically each other out of the card duel ... ...

  It's a fun time.

  Looking at this scene, on the other side, the tail of someone who started it was about to go to the sky :

  "Hahaha, I said, no one can refuse the joy of the game, even the dragon is so!"

  "Hey, to tell you the truth, I have studied the character of dragons, they like good-looking things, and one by one actually have a soul in the heart of the second!"

  "For them, perhaps the appeal of Quint cards and ordinary playing cards is still limited, but if I change to this game card I have carefully designed, I will definitely indulge!"

  "Look ! With this special effects full of cards, the dragons have found fun, and if you want to fight again, you only need to have a game of cards to fight!

  "Playing cards consumes all the magic in their own bodies. If you don't accept a game, you continue to play until one side's magic is exhausted and the other side wins."

  "And so... ...the duel that consumes only magic and avoids fighting was created!"

  "Not only that, but it's also a magic exercise!"

  "Hehe, this set of cards is not cheap, is definitely a million-dollar business, and the cards I design have a service life, if we can promote in the whole Dragon Island... hey hey hey..."

Game of the World Tree (800-979)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें