Every Beginning Has An Ending 1

Start from the beginning

"Wang Zheng is taking care of her. She is stable. It seems like it is time to end this once and for all, Xiao Wei. Our enemy is already making his moves." Zhao Yunlan grimace.

"Right... Thank goodness our sunshine is already born." Shen Wei tries to lighten up the gloomily mood but fails miserably.

"Wang Zheng said that Da-ge and GhostFace has join others. GhostFace left a teleportation circle with her for us to use to get there. That will cut all the traveling times."

"Wonderful! Now, master Shen Wei can get his required rest and Master Yunlan, please continue feeding him your energies to speed up the recovery for the next two hours. Don't overexert your energy. You will need it for tomorrow." Li Qian warns, knowing full well that if they are left to their own devices, these idiots will not blink a second before sacrificing themselves for one another.

"Wait! How are we getting the teleportation circle?" Shen Wei asks, remembering their conversation.

"We will contact Wang Zheng tomorrow morning and she will describe how to create it." Zhao Yunlan soothes worried Shen Wei.

"Ah Lan, you know how to create one?" Shen Wei surprisingly asks.

"No, we are going to create one tomorrow for the first time." Zhao Yunlan announces cheerfully but Shen Wei's deadpan expression says all what he needs to say.

"Oh, come on, Xiao Wei! It couldn't be that bad~ Beside we have others here who could be second set of eyes for us..." Zhao Yunlan coaxes a reluctant Shen Wei.

"Master Shen Wei, don't worry too much. I have experience with magic circle. If Wang Zheng can provide me with details, I should be able duplicate it. But you will have activated since your uncle specifically designed it for you." Li Qian said while looking at Zhao Yunlan to confirm about specific of the circle. Zhao Yunlan nods in affirmation.

"Okay, That's enough tonight then. Celestial Guardian, can you please protect our child? No one knows about their birth yet so I believe they will be safe here if our presence is elsewhere." Zhao Yunlan deeply bows, and Shen Wei joins him, sharing the same worries as a parent.

"None of that now, my little one. Now raise up your cute little head. Of course, I'll protect what is yours." The celestial guardian fondly chides Shen Wei who sweetly smiles, eyes brimming with unshed tears.

Afterward, both Li Qian and the guardian leave the couple to themselves to get rest.

"...... Right, I don't matter" Zhao Yunlan nonchalantly shrugs, too used to being ignored by the Celestial Guardian.

"Hush Ah Lan. you know you matter." Shen Wei gently scolds, making Zhao Yunlan chuckle fondly at his Xiao Wei.

"Whatever you say, Xiao Wei."

"That's right. Now embrace me tight the whole night" Shen Wei chirps, melting into Zhao Yunlan's embrace.

"Awee~~ Mommy is sooo cute!" Little angel coos.

"That's enough, little angel. We should rest too."

"Aww... okay my big beauty~ I love you" Little Angel chirps happily.

"I love you too, little angel" Little angel falls asleep under the protective embrace of his mate.


Outskirt of Haixing Village: Abandoned Mansion

"Xiao Qian, what is your plan?" Shen Wei warily asks.

"I'm going to do something I should of done millennia ago. I will brow these two angels to help me out. Don't worry about me, masters. If everything goes according to my plan, things will work out for better, for us, of course." Li Qian assures, confidently.

"Okay, don't do anything reckless." Zhao Yunlan acquiesces, warily as well. Their Li Qian is a mystery they can't pinpoint.

The first thing they all did in the morning is contact Wang Zheng. True to her words, Li Qian easily replicated the teleportation circle. No longer than few minutes, Li Qian, Shen Wei, Zhao Yunlan and two angels exist into abandoned Mansion. They left their familiars with the guardian to guard the baby incase there is an attack.

"Why is everyone ignoring the fact that the sky is bloody red?!" Chan Ji screaks out.

"Who do you think we are dealing with?" Li Qian tsk.


"Let's get a move on." Zhao Yunlan cuts in before another bickering start between angel and witch.

Just as Chan Ji pointed out, the sky above abandoned mansion is eerily bloody red and sinisterly quiet, devoid of any animals nor wind.

When Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan meet up with others, they got the answer.

"Hi everyone! How are you guys holding up?" Zhao Yunlan asks.

"We are fine. That freak decided to retreat when he got overpowered and built a barrier of dark energies and has been meditating ever since." Yezun explains their unasked question.

"We have been trying everything we could to break the barrier, but we can't." Da Qing adds, frustrated.

"I think he has been shedding his light energy and turning into demonic path, fully" Shen Wei contemplatively explains.

"How do you know, love?" Zhao Yunlan is curious.

"I don't know. It just feel like that. His whole body has dark energies circulating and I don't feel light energy at all." Shen Wei shrugs.

"HAHAAHAAAAAA. Intelligent addition pure beauty! You have always attracted me to you like a moth to a blazing flame. OOh~~~ I could almost taste your heat~" Junfeng leers making Shen Wei shiver in disgust and Zhao Yunlan automatically shield Shen Wei from his leering gaze which is blazing red.

"Hello dear brother~ Possessive as always, I see" Junfeng sneers, baring his teeth.

"I'm not your brother! And stop staring at my mate like you want to gobble him whole!" Zhao Yunlan growls.

"Now now, aren't you tired of tasting him for centuries now. Won't you share, dear brother~" Junfeng goats on, loving the reactions he is getting in return.

"No, you can't. He is mine and will forever be mine, brother~" Zhao Yunlan snarls back, already gathering his power around him unconsciously.

Shen Wei who has been letting Zhao Yunlan protect him, knowing that its best for him to use his power in dare situation, couldn't help but shiver in wants, feeling so owned and loved by his mate. While others are having difficulty deciding whether to join or ignore these alphas' obsession.

"Can't we get on with fight?" Chu grits out, feeling uncomfortable on his nephew's behalf... but on second thought, his not-so-innocent-anymore nephew might be enjoying Zhao Yunlan's declaration. Oh, now his heart weeps for his innocent Shen Wei.

On other hand, Da Qing has similar worries. I'm so glad their feeling are mutual. I'm too scared to imagine how it would turn out otherwise. Da Qing frightfully thinks while observing his didi, silently.   


A/N: Almost done! Phew!

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