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The following morning we ordered breakfast for all three of us in the room.  Biscuit ate his food like he never ate.

He is being a pig this morning.  I know Katie . I will have them bring a cart so we can take everything downstairs.  I already paid the bill that was on the TV with a tip. Katie this was all on me. Thank you.

I kissed Adrian than biscuit. Adrian had called. We finished packing our stuff.  Adrian answered the door. Biscuit was on a leash already . I took him for a walk and Adrian got rid of his mess again for me.

We will follow you downstairs.  Your truck and suv is already out front. Thank you .

I tipped the employee before Adrian could and he just shook his head at me.  Our vehicles were loaded . Biscuit went with Adrian.  We stopped in Vacaville outlets with biscuit . We both took turns going into stores.  We at their and finally made it back to my place around 2. We unloaded everything.

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Adrian why are you in this garage? I was getting the wrapping present from car

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Adrian why are you in this garage? I was getting the wrapping present from car. Ah okay.

In reality was her ring in one of my sword bags. I knew she left them alone so it was safe there.    I locked up the garage and I took all the wrapping paper, tape and tags with me inside.

It took us awhile to wrap things.

Adrian moved his things in yesterday while I was in San Jose.  We still needed to put his photos put but it wasn't a priority for him. Tommy both of them along with Kaya and Jill helped him. Yes we were moving fast but it was right for us. My brother and Stella were happy for us both.  My brother told him he expected him to be married to me in a year from yesterday.  I told Adrian I would eventually marry him but on our time table not my brothers.  If it took longer, it was okay with me. Of course,   Kelly disagreed when I told him he moved in when he came for dinner tonight.  They took off out back while Stella and I cleaned up the kitchen.

Katie you know your brother just wants to make sure he takes care of you. I know but it's not like I need his money. Your brother is old fashioned. He blew a gasket yesterday at work but we all were too busy for him to come by and when he did none of you were here.  I know we were in the bay area already.  I got a call but couldn't answer it because I was busy cooking.  He was driving .  It took him talking to Casey to calm him down.

They came back in.

Stella we should probably get going.  It's late and these two need to get up early but not us. Kelly I will call and wake you up. You know we have to  leave our cells on just in case they need us on our days off.  I take it back. Please don't call us. We need to catch up on our sleep. We been busy all week.  I won't your lucky I love my sister.

Adrian and Stella left.

It figures it starts raining

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It figures it starts raining.  Be careful brother. I will sis.

We hugged and they left.  Adrian locked the door and turned off the alarm . Biscuit wax getting use to not sleeping in my bedroom anymore . He wasn't thrilled and whined at times.

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