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Babe when we get back I want to buy another boat we saw in the way back here. I called the place and they will hold it only until tonight. The sakes person is willing to give me tomorrow's black Friday price.  I don't want you driving.  I will drive.  Not a problem Mrs. Alesha Peeples.  I also donated your white hummer truck and your yellow hummer like you want.  Jill said she and Tommy will get them on Saturday to take them to the animal shelter place wherever they donate them.  You just have to sign over your two pink slips to this name and address.  Not a problem. By the way your alfa romeo came in. They will have it towed on Saturday too. We just have to call them and let them know for sure.  We will leave early so we can get shopping done at the outlets in Folsom.  When we get back after we eat dinner and our food settles we will go. Katie and Eva you want to go with us? Sure as long as I can bring biscuit.   Sure biscuit can come.  

We finally made it back.  We all went to second cabin to get our keys and they could use the restroom. Sienna said we walk biscuit so he could do his business. Katie told us where the gloves and his poop bags were at just in case he had to poop.

Biscuit down.  Good boy.  You be good for your aunties. We will be back.  Do me a favor and get my keys Katie.  It's on the   night stand. I will text my parents so they don't freak out.

Biscuit wagged his towel. We rinsed out his water bowl and added water so he could drink some before we walked him. Sienna text her parents. They thought it was too soon and said they would be here waiting to see it when we got back.

Sweetie we are going to go get another boat for Alesha and Sienna. Okay!

We left after using the restroom and Katie got their keys to their vehicles.
Alesha switched the kennel and bowl to one vehicle. Sienna picked up his poop and tossed it in the garbage.

Babe here is some hand sanitizer. Thanks Alesha. Biscuit up boy.

Sienna pointed to the back seat she had put down. 

Good boy.

She closed the kennel and I put the back seat up again.

Babe Katie and I will ride in the back. Okay!

We put our seat belts on when they came.  We needed the keys for me to start it. The remote doesn't start the vehicle.

Sienna you can sit up front. Eva please don't take this the wrong way. Your my elder.  Enough said thank you. Your welcome .

Lisa shower time. Yes we are funky from today.

We took a shower and made love while in the shower. We decided to relax and watch TV in our room until dinner time.  We all agreed we would do that.

Maura shower than we will start on dinner for the four of us.  I told the others to go eat where they want and we would leave at nine to head  back to Sacramento. They will stop to shop and probably won't be back til late. Okay!

We finally arrived and we looked at the boat . We didn't know Eva knew alot about boats.

Sir that price is still high. If you reduce it by 5,500.00 more my friends will buy it with a full warranty for the motor,  engine and tuneup in Sacramento or here.  I am aware you sell them in  Roseville too. They could get a better deal and not have to drive as far home with it. If not, we will go to Roseville and they will get the sale and commission. Let me go talk to the manager with your counter off.  He left.

We are glad you came with us. Alesha in Miami I would see this all the time. We owe you a dinner for sure. We will leave here and got get dinner at that restaurant we passed on over here. I will text my in-laws that we are going out for dinner after you saved us over five grand. I like. Katie we will pay for yours too.

The man can back with a sales contract.

He accepted your offer. I just need you to complete this and once you pay me you can be on your way especially since it's a check.  I will run it to see if it clears.  Once it clears its yours.  Is that the boat trailer you will be using? Yes
Mrs. Peeples they will load it up for you. You will have to secure it since your not purchasing one from us. Gary its not a problem. He agreed to fill it up too.

My wife filled out the paper work and handed him her license.  She wrote him a check for the entire amount.  I called our insurance agent to add this  boat and inquired about our claim on the other one.  The man said it would take five business days from today.  They were loading  it. Sienna and I fastened it and a man told us once we got the keys and the receipt to drive to the gas tanks so it could be filled up.  We were done close to forty minutes than left to a sea food place.

Aye Dennis,  Jennifer,  Pauley, Maria, Emily andBrian 
What are you doing here? Getting ready to eat our table is ready. We can squeeze you in or your wait will be over an hour . We will eat with them please remove Sienna party of four. We have a small table we can add to theirs. Thank you.  Where you four coming from? Sienna went to buy another boat. I drove and we asked them to come with biscuit . The window is down and he has water.   Aleshaccan I borrow your keys?Please order me this one here with  a white wine. I want to go walk him for some.  We were gone most of the day.

Alesha handed me the keys and I left.

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