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In Sacramento,   babe we have three more meals. Breakfast does not count tomorrow. They all did well with the beef kabobs. It's looking promising. Nia I spoke to  the property manager at Joey's place. She said it's open next weekend for a month.  Katelyn and I discussed it along with Bailey. We want you two to enjoy Italy a month on us. Bailey and Sasha will be picking up some of the costs too. You just have to bring spending money.  We all here along with Bailey are covering everything else for you. John will be here for a few days  as you know for the wine festival in Lodi. He and Joy will be leaving Sunday afternoon.  Whether we get the two meals with the beef right or not,  they will fly you to Italy along with Eric and Olivia who have business to do. Maura but the deal was for Jane to get it all well and you all joined in which I didn't mind. It's okay and exactly this was Jane's idea and we weren't included in her conversation with you. Pack your  bags and enjoy a month off. Jane will bring you back when she returns . You guys thank you. Nia and I haven't had a real vacation just the two of us in a long time. The horses and the restaurant is on Katelyn and I.

Jackson and Nia hugged us all. Nia got a little teary eyed.  We decided to play some pool  in the game room, work out by
swimming, or working out in the fitness room.

Casey go take a shower and I will rewrap your ribs and check your vitals after wards. Juanita you want to join me? Nope you will end up hurting yourself . I will take a shower while he is examining you etcetera.

My husband had a pouty face.  Kelly and Stella laughed at him. Once we were done with showers, we went to go look  at the

 Once we were done with showers, we went to go look  at the

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before it got too late, make a fire and make some stores. Casey and I sat on the edge of the wall so it wouldn't hurt him too much to get up. Kelly had brought us  blankets so it wouldn't be too hard on our behinds. Stella and David were telling us about the stars and pointing them out for us to see than we go look through the telescope. We all finally went inside around eleven and went to bed. We ended up hearing Kelly and Stella making love. We left our door and window open with the screen and they obviously had the window or maybe a door open. We didn't know which. We just both laughed. I was glad to hear my husband laugh because lately he hasn't been laughing because it hurt too much. He finally stopped before me when it became too painful.

Mathew did you take your pain medication? Yes but it still hurts from laughing so much. It will subside in a few than I can go to sleep. 

About ten minutes later my husband was snoring so I finally nodded off to sleep.

Kelly wow that was a whopper. I know. Let's get up and change the sheets, put clean bedding on after we take a shower. 

We did such. Kelly started the washing machine while I made the bed.

We decided to go watch a movie in the movie room and turn the fire place on

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We decided to go watch a movie in the movie room and turn the fire place on. We woke up to daylight and the aroma of bacon being cooked by David.

Hey you two were asleep the three of us didn't want to wake you up. How did you sleep? Casey we slept good. I bet you did after your dessert time.

Stella elbows Kelly.

I told you to close the window. Ah it's okay it's not like we haven't heard them before or Casey when we lived in Chicago.  I think I heard you more when we were roommates.

Casey and I didn't respond and David was quiet.
We finished eating. Kelly and Stella did the dishes.
We decided to go meet Valerie and Christina at the lake on their boat behind her mom's home.

In Sacramento...
We all woke up to the men cooking us breakfast. They said they would clean up too. They made us waffles with fresh berries with whip cream, sausage, scrambled eggs, fresh squeeze orange juice and coffee.

This smells good babe. Thanks Penelope.

We all sat down and serves ourselves
ourselves after we poured ourselves some coffee.

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