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Tommy isn't that Katie and Dr. Adrian Paul our veterinary leaving the movie theater? Yes. So I wonder how long they been seeing one another.  I don't know when she is ready to tell us and the others she will. He's a good man with a good job. I just hope it works out.  Babe I do too. Have you decided what you want to eat for lunch this Sunday afternoon? Yes let's go to TGIF's. Okay babe.

Katie you still want to go to TGIF for a late lunch? Yes,  I cam eat a horse.  Oops sorry! It's okay it's just a saying. I am glad you finally agreed to go out with me after 2 years of me asking you. I was getting sad to see you always date men who only dated you for your cooking skills and body.  I know it took awhile for me to work on myself.  I told you when I was ready  I call you.  Adrian I didn't want to get involved with a man until I got better. I didn't want another failed or a jerk of man.   We are here.

He opens the door of his Nissan gt. which is nice. 

My lady. Thank you. You paid for our movies and snacks. I am paying for our lunch and tip. I did agree and will keep my promise.

Table for two for Adrian please. Please come this say. Your waiter will be here momentarily. Thank you.

We look over the menu.

May I take your order.  May we start off with water and lemonade  for us both.  I would like the steak in  oyster sauce, onion rings and with a side salad with a vinegarette dressing dressing.  For you sir. I would like the same for a my salad with sizzling seafood gamba. Is that all? Yes. I will bring your lemonade and water.  Thank you.

We start talking as we see Kaya and Tommy walk in . They are seated next by us.  Excuse me waiter if they like to join us please let them know we just ordered.

He leaves to speak with them.  He takes their orders and he brings more place settings.

Hey you guys we figured to invite you.  I saw you two leaving the theater but didn't think we show up at the same restaurant.  Katie wanted to come here. I wanted to come here. How is chops doing? He is doing well. He has a new cousin. He does who? My mom purchased a labrador from the animal shelter. His name is Charley. She has been receiving training from Clayton Reeves and he is training also sparky Pauley collie she got from the animal shelter.  I am glad they got them from the shelter, says Katie.
Let them know my clinic is ready when they are. I will Adrian.  I finally got her to agree with me to go out with me after two years. I was finally ready to date again. I am glad you two are seeing each other. Kaya and Tommy no one knows about us yet. Don't worry Katie.  Kaya and I won't say anything. Thank-you. I want to get to know him better before I tell people especially Kelly.  He will put him through the ringer with questions and ask the guys to do a back ground check. Katie he is just watching out for you. I don't mind what he will do. It's nice to know he cares about his little sister.

Our drinks arrive and we started drinking and continue to converse.  We found out more about Adrian being an orphan. His parents are deceased.  He cannot find his three brothers and has tried with several private investigators even with Samantha.  He said he is done and will no longer look for him. He shortened his name from Adrian Paul Hewitt to Adrian Paul when he couldn't find his three brothers.  Our food arrived.
Don't judge me you two I am hungry.  We won't Katie.

We ate , drank and enjoyed our  meal. The men paid for our meals including the tip. We went our separate ways.

We arrived at my home and he gave me a kiss goodbye.

Katie I enjoyed our time together.  Adrian I am going to decorate my place for Christmas we have a contest going on amongst our family and friends.
Would you like to help me? Yes.

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