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Sasha and I were up early. Sasha made us our lunches for work while I was cleaning up after we had waffles for breakfast.

Maura Harold is here to clean the pools. Let him inside so he can get that one done before the other one. My guards are waiting for me Maura.

I kissed Sasha goodbye and she left with her lunch. Pauley was driving her to work today.

Harold was done while I switched the laundry from the washer to the dryer.

Maura I need to raise my prices with everything going up. We were expecting it. Just bill Sasha the difference. I will and thanks for not getting angry. This week alone and it's only Monday. I have had six people fire me because they said they couldn't afford the increase. I understand but I already give them a deal. They will find out the hard way and if they return, they will be in a different rotation that they won't like. Harold I would not worry about it. I know but still. Please bring all the garbage out so I can take your containers to the front . You don't have to do that anymore. They come to the house now. Oh okay.

Harold says goodbye and goes to work on the outside pool. He usually comes later when Julie is here. I guess now my pool cleaning will be early now. I finally get my stuff and leave.

Mom I will be home late. I am doing my first day with Dr. Idris Alba today. Enjoy learning some new ways. I will mom.

I hug my mom before she leaves for the dentist office.

Maura she is coming today right? Yes she will be here after lunch. Do you have something planned special for her to do? She gets to see if a patient has to have her lense to be replaced on her cornea. If so, she will see the surgery next week. If she still is here . I still want her to see it even if she isn't. Its up to her.

We will talk later.

I go to my office and log onto my computer to read my emails and answer any that require a response from me.

Background on Idris. His father Winston died in 2013 of lung cancer. His mother Eve works in clerical and lives with him and his two kids. His son Winston is ten years old and looms after Winston. Idris been married three times and is single now. His mother quit her job and moved with him to help him raise Winston. Isan is a producer and lives in Southern California.

I parked my car and went inside

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I parked my car and went inside.

Hello I am Isan Elba my grandmother isn't feeling well. Will you please tell my father to come to see me too.. Yes , I will have someone get him. In the meantime, please fill out these forms and what is wrong with your Eve. I am okay. I just skipped and my granddaughter is being over protective. My grandmother may have broke her arm.

Someone went to get my dad. I completed the paperwork with my grandmother's help which wasn't easy because she was irritated with me.

Mom what happened? I fell and my arm hurts but your daughter was worried about me. Dad I think she broke her arm or she would of been able to complete the insurance paperwork and questionnaire. She only signed it under protest. Mrs. Elba Dr.Baker can see you now. I am going with you too. Fine let's just get this over with.

We walked into the exam room. I did her vitals and typed the information into the computer.

Good morning Mrs. Elba. Hello Isan and Idris. What seems to be the problem? I slipped on some coffee. Isan thinks I broke my arm. Jennifer I did hee vitals already. Everything is within normal limits.

Tell me if this hurts ? Ouch yes it does. Idris take her to go get x-ray and a CT scan please while I speak with your daughter. Come on mom. I am coming.

Isan did she hit something else besides her arm? Yeah her butt and the side of her left side of her face. I was doing the dishes after we came back from dropping off Winston at school. She got up to get some coffee. She someone how spilled some and slipped. I had to beg her and threatened her with my dad to get her here. I am glad you brought her here. She does have some bruising by her eye. I will have Idris do an exam on her eye as well. I sent him to get x-rays of her arm and and a CT scan of her head. I will have you stay in here and ask him to leave so I can see her buttocks to see if any bruising or if she hurt elsewhere. Thank you Dr. Baker. She is getting older. I came up from Southern California last night. I am helping my dad find a cook / nanny. She is not to drive anymore. She is getting older to do things on her own and being left alone. I am glad you brought her here. I will be back momentarily.

Dr. Baker left and my dad returned. I told him what Dr. Baker said. He stated he agreed with his colleague and was glad I brought her here.

Dr. Baker returned with my grandmother and nurse Wright.

Mrs. Elba your granddaughter was right to bring you in. You broke your arm and nothing appears on the CT scan of concern for me. I am going to have your son do an eye exam to make sure nothing is wrong with your eye sight because of the bruise by your eye. Idris I am going to have you wait in the hallway. Mrs. Elba do you mind if Isan stays while I finish my exam than I will put a cast on it. You can let Mrs. Wright know what color of a cast. What color options do I have? She will go over it with you but in the meantime, I need you to raise your dress and lower your panties. If you need help, let me know. I can do it.

You have some bruising. Does this hurt right here? No just your glove is cold. Sorry about that.

I put more pressure on the hip area. It was a little tender but the x - rays didn't show anything to worry about. I need help pulling my underwear up.

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