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Pauley you okay? Yeah Sparkey did well. He bit the man's penis through his sweat pants.  I am sorry our dinner is ruined.  Pauley forget our dinner. I should of went with you to get dinner. Maria I didn't know I was going to get mugged outside the Vietnamese restaurant.  I didn't have time to get my gun. Sparkey saw what was going on and jumped out the window.  He was arrested at kaiser hospital.  Your jaw has a nice bruise.

The rest of the guards, Sasha and Maura showed up at the house.  Brian stitched my chin up and all of us were glad Pauley lived. The guys men covered their penis area over their pants, sweats and shorts when my roommate told them Sparkey bit it good.

Pauley tomorrow you and Maria have tomorrow off. Clayton please go buy them dinner . Maria call the order in and let him know where he is going. Put it under his name and here is 30 bucks to cover it. He got my purse and it had my  wallet , credit cards, license, my work identification to get in the building and cash. I called human resources and left them a message about the card and canceled all my bank cards. I am glad my check book was home. There was another man but couldn't be found. Was any keys in your purse? No Sasha.  We will have men outside to make sure you two stay safe. I gave a police report already. I will delete your pass code now from my cell.

Sasha got into the program and immediately deleted it.

Aye someone just tried to get in the building. I blocked it in time. We have a good photo of the man. I will forward it to the police. Sparkey good boy for biting him.

Clayton gave him a treat and padded his head. Clayton when you return please take Sparkey to Dr. Paul to get checked out and any shots needed bill us. I will Pauley.  I be back shortly.   Come on Rufus up boy.

Clayton left with Rufus.  It was after five so Maria called Dr. Paul and he said he would be upstairs just call him when they are outside and he would Clayton,  Rufus and Sparkey in.

Brian I want you to stay inside on the couch and Hector you outside.   Pauley if you need anything call us. I will thanks.

All the guards went inside who weren't Hector and made sure Maura and I are assuming to make sure Pauley was okay. They are a tight group like family.

Babe kono is making sure this photo goes out to all officers who are working.  He isn't home but they have an unmarked vehicle waiting.  Sasha the good thing she just got a cut from his ring and some bruises. Her pride is hurt. She will get a replacement driver license and all her credit cards will be replaced.  I know the others will loan her money if needed. She can't go to her bank to withdraw money because it requires a photo identification. I stopped my credit card too. The man charged 1,046.68 on it which will be refunded to the business account. These assholes will pay.  I know Sasha why don't you go work out to get your aggression out safely.

I kissed my wife and called my ex wife and cousin.

Jane your cell is ringing its Maura.  Answer it please.

J I need your help. Aye Maura it's Lisa.  What's  wrong?

I tell Lisa and she is glad Pauley is okay.  She hands the phone to her wife.

What's up J?I need you to defend Pauley.  She was mugged tonight and she is okay but Sparkey bit the man's penis through his sweat pants. He was arrested at kaiser when he went to get some help. Who took the report? Police took the report. Kono is already has a bolo out on the second man. He tried to get into the modeling building using Pauley's pass card but was blocked. He also charged over a thousand dollars on Sasha's business account that from Pauley's business credit card. I will contact the police tomorrow to get all the particulars.  Thanks J. Not a problem Maura.  Bill Sasha.  I will.

I ended the call and told Sasha what I had done. She was working out hard. She nodded and continued.  I left her at it. She needed to get her anger out.  I decided to go to my office to work on some Isle foundation work.

I had dropped off the food and called Dr.  Paul when I drove up with Sparkey and Rufus.

We were let inside

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We were let inside.

Sparkey you defended your mom. Good job. 

Adrian picks up Sparkey and begins the examination.  He asks me questions and I answer them as I am completing the reason for the visit. I tell him to bill Pauley.   He gives him a shot to hopefully kill any diseases he may have picked up. He withdrew blood which Sparkey didn't like. He bandaged up the leg where he withdrew the blood from.

Clayton go get this prescription filled. He is to take this pill three times per day with or without food but with water.  I want to make sure he hopefully won't get any diseasea from this man.

Sparkey good girl. 
He puts Sparkey on the floor and opens his box of toys for him to choose from. Sparkey picks out a toy that makes noises.  We say good bye and I put his leash on him. We leave and both dogs get in my suv and sit on the back seat.  I drive us to the pharmacy and leav e my window down  some on each side and go inside to pick up the prescription from CVS. I pay for it and we leave. It didn't  take long because the doctor called the prescription in and  CVS wasn't busy. We finally arrived back at their place.  We all get out.

Reba opens the door for us.

Pauley Dr. Paul said to give him this medicine three times per day with or without food but with water. He withdrew blood. His office will get back with you with the results.  He also gave him a shot. I used the insurance card you gave me and paid the co payment.  Here is the receipt. You can pay me later.  The doctor will bill you. He got a squeaky toy from him. I hear him with it. Thank you for everything.  If you need me, call me. I will. Come on Rufus.  I will come with Clayton.  Maria or Pauley call any of us if you need something.

Reba,Rufus and Clayton leave. I am going to go to bed. This medication Brian gave me is kicking in. Pauley any side effects let me know.  I will Brian.

Pauley left with sparkey to her bedroom. Maria and I stayed up watching the evening news and played scrabble before we both went to sleep.

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