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Boss I found out who did it? Who Chad? Someone her mom arrested in Texas and was recently paroled. His name is Nick Diaz.  What do you want me to do with the information? Is he still here? Yes he is staying at Jason's hotel.  He is on the floor playing roulette.  I will call Jason.  Text me the photos. I want you guys to go there. We don't have enough coverage. Don't worry about us. I will ask Jason to send some more people over.  Donnie and Vanessa's will meet you there.  Just observe him until all of you are there . Let Jason's security apprehend him. Got it boss.

I called Diane immediately and told her. I asked her to send Donnie and both Vanesssa to the Harrah's casino and text Chad . They are to observe only and allow Jason's security to apprehend him.

Alexis Chad for the man. I am calling Jason right now. Just listen.

Christina, Valerie, Jason and Samantha listened too.

Okay babe. I  will have the man get him and bring him up to the security office. I will call the authorities. No hand him over to Donnie and Chad.  They will deal with him and drop him off at the police station.

I text Chad and updated him.
I never stated not to harm him.  They would have to decide that on their own. I knew Diane would defend them in court.

Carly we need to tell Nia.  Not yet she needs to concentrate on her daughter. Does some one know how to get a hold of her old partners? Carly they are probably at the hospital.  Call the white guy I don't remember his name. Her boss. Okay I know who you are talking about. My husband leaves to make a call in private. Molly and TJ I am glad you made it for Thanksgiving. Mom what is going going on? Samantha and Christina can fill you in. I need to go to the hotel. Milo and Max let's go.

Mrs. C.we will drive you. Okay! Carly don't do anything stupid. We don't need the attention.  Alexis I won't.  I just want to see what he is going to say.  I have a microphone and will be ble to hear.

They leave.

Walker this is Jason Quartermaine.  I  need to tell you something but it needs to be kept away from Nia and her family.

Excuse me Alex I have a call to take in private.

I walk away from my wife.

Go ahead.  The man who cut the gas line was Nick Diaz.  Chad and several are going to observe while Jason's security brings him up the the office.  Carly has them transporting him to the police station. I will have Trevak and Alex to come with me to the police station to get him transferred back to Texas.  Please tell Carly thanks for the heads up.I

We end the call.

Travel and Alex we need to go somewhere.  You stay with Nia. Okay is there anything for I should know? Not right now.

Chad were here. They just took him upstairs.  Carly wants us go transport him to the police station. 

We all head up to the security office.
We see one of Jason's means punch Nick in the ribs and we hear a crack

Jason has he said anything? He and and 6 others are the ones causing the problems. He gave up the others names. Here is a list of them.  I have sent others men and women to get them. There will be too many to transport.

I see a text.

No I am here with Milo and Max. They can take the town car and fit three in there.  Good on a rib or ribs  broken.  Walker and his people will meet my people at the police station.

There is more help. Once they get them all. My team will help you get them in the vehicles handcuffed and hugged tied. They will follow you all to make sure no problems arise . Where are your vehicles parked? Out in the parking lot.  Please move them to the back so many won't see them.

We all  left to move our vehicles .

Boss we got the all. No more hitting them unless they become dangerous to you got it. 

They all nodded. 

Hog tie them and take them out the back entrance.  I want you following them just in case problems arise. Only shoot as last resort.

I see Nicks eyes get big and laugh.  My team take them all after hog tying them.  I call the police to let them know they are on their way and will wait for their csi  techs to show up to gather evidence from their rooms and vehicles. I had my people wear gloves and remove all items in them. They have the items in bags and labeled which bags belong to whom.

Babe thank you. Hopefully the media won't know they were here. This won't look good. I will have my PR person whose at-home with their families to come up with a plan to make the casino and hotel look good if it's needed. I can't leave here. I will have two of my people take you home.  They should be done interrogating my people at the cabins. We can hope.

I kissed Jason goodbye and he wax making the call to the police station .

Thank you Mr. Stratum we have two Texas Rangers and the district attorney here now. Once they are processed.  They will stay here tonight and tomorrow will fly out to Texas.  They have their items bagged and labeled. They wore gloves. I will stay here until your CSI people come here to their rooms and vehicles. I will have my people go there .We have some former CSI people handling the area over there and they are capable.

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